interface LayoutProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
UserMenu?: React.ReactNode;
* Default Layout with Header (Helmet & SEO) and Footer
* @param {LayoutProps} props - Page content
* @returns {JSX.Element} The complete page
export function Layout(props: LayoutProps): JSX.Element;
interface ContentProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
className?: string;
* Centered section for page content
* @param {ContentProps} props - Section content
* @returns {JSX.Element} The complete section
export function Content(props: ContentProps): JSX.Element;
interface ButtonProps {
children?: React.ReactNode;
title?: string;
to?: string;
className?: string;
image?: string;
to?: string;
anime?: boolean;
layout?: "top" | "left";
className?: string;
export function Card(props: CardProps): JSX.Element;
className?: string;
export function Badge(props: BadgeProps): JSX.Element;
interface TocProps {
children?: React.ReactNode;
className?: string;
export function Toc(props: TocProps): JSX.Element;
interface LinkProps {
children?: React.ReactNode;
to: string;
activeClassName?: string;
partiallyActive?: string;
export function Link(props: LinkProps): JSX.Element;
interface DataImage {
src: string;
interface Image {
images: Array<DataImage>;
isLogo: boolean;
delay?: number;
export function Carousel(props: Image): JSX.Element;
interface SearchProps {}
export function Search(props: SearchProps): JSX.Element;
interface IMenu {}
export function Menu(props: IMenu): JSX.Element;
interface IMenuMobile {}
export function MenuMobile(props: IMenu): JSX.Element;
interface Ilogo {
to?: string;
className?: string;
src?: string;
title: string;
image: any
export function Logo(props:Ilogo): JSX.Element;
interface Service {
title: string;
subtitle: string;
icon: string;
interface Action {
title: string;
to: string;
interface HeroProps {
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
description?: string;
action: Action;
services?: Array<Service>;
* Hero section with background image and buttons action
* @param {HeroProps} props - Section content
* @returns {JSX.Element} The complete section
export function Hero(props: HeroProps): JSX.Element;
interface MapProps {
idMap: number;
export function Map(props: MapProps): JSX.Element;
interface FeatureProps {
title?: string;
content?: string;
image?: string | IGatsbyImageData;
idMap?: number;
layout?: 'left' | 'right';
backgroundImage?: string;
action?: {
custom?: JSX.Element;
export function Feature(props: FeatureProps): JSX.Element;
interface ImageProps {
image?: string | IGatsbyImageData;
classname?: string;
export function Image(props: ImageProps): JSX.Element;
interface CardListProps {
cards?: CardProps[];
layout?: 'row' | 'col' | 'grid';
className?: string;
export function CardList(props: CardListProps): JSX.Element;
declare module "@onegeo/gatsby-theme-onegeo";