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# gatsby-source-directus

Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from a Directus API.

Forked from

npm install --save @onegeo/gatsby-source-directus

## Usage

1. Go to `gatsby-config.js` on your Gatsby project
2. Add new entry to plugins properly configured with your settings

module.exports = {
  // ... some gatsby configuration
  plugins: [
    // ... some gatsby plugins

    // You can take advantage of the following plugins with gatsby-source-directus

    // `gatsby-plugin-image`,
    // `gatsby-transformer-sharp`,
    // `gatsby-plugin-sharp`,

    // Finally our plugin
      resolve: "@onegeo/gatsby-source-directus",
      options: {
        url: ``, // Fill with your Directus instance address
        auth: {
          token: "my_secret_token", // You can use a static token from an user

          // Or you can use the credentials of an user
          // email: "",
          // password: "mysecretpassword",

3. Request your data

query {
  # if you change ``, remember to also rename following field
  directus {
    # the collection you want to query
    articles {
      # the fields you want to query from above collection
      files {
        # since this is a M2M relationship, we need to reference the junction field
        directus_files_id {
          # `id` is required to be fetched in order to be used with `gatsby-transformer-sharp`
          imageFile {
            # when using the plugin 'gatsby-transformer-sharp', you can query images with transformations
            childImageSharp {
              gatsbyImageData(width: 200)

  # it's also possible to query system collections
  directus_system {
    users {
    files {
      imageFile {
        childImageSharp {
          gatsbyImageData(width: 200)

**Note**: When using with `gatsby-transformer-sharp` you will need to query `id` of the asset (specified on
`DirectusData_directus_files` type).

## Options

- `url` [*Required*] - should be a valid URL to your Directus instance

- `auth` [*Optional*] - defines if requests will have authentication or not. You should define this if you want access
  to non-public content.
  [View more about permissions](

  - `auth.token` [*Optional*] - should be the static token of the user which will make the requests. You can define one
    on user detail page.

  - `` [*Optional, but required with password and ignored if `auth.token` defined*] - should be the email of
    the user which will make the requests.

  - `auth.password` [*Optional, but required with email and ignored if `auth.token` defined\*] - should be the password
    of the user which will make the requests.

- `type` [*Optional*] - defines the type and field name to be used on GraphQL. If you are using multiple instances of
  Directus, please ensure you have unique type and field names per instance.

  - `` [*Optional, defaults to `DirectusData`*] - defines the GraphQL type name to be used for user defined

  - `type.field` [*Optional*, defaults to `directus`] - defines the GraphQL field name to query user defined
    collections. If you change this property, remember to query the proper field inside `query`.

  - `type.system_name` [*Optional, defaults to `DirectusSystemData`*] - defines the GraphQL type name to be used for
    Directus defined collections, i.e., `directus_users`, `directus_files`, etc.

  - `type.system_field` [*Optional*, defaults to `directus_system`] - defines the GraphQL field name to query Directus
    defined collections.

- `dev` [*Optional*] - defines options for development environments

  - `dev.refresh` [*Optional, defaults to 15s*] - tells the refresh rate in seconds of the schema. Should be a number in
    seconds or a string supported by [ms](

- `graphql` [*Optional*] - defines extra options to be passed into `gatsby-source-graphql`. Useful for advanced use

## How to query

The default way to query data is to fetch items from `directus` field.

query {
  directus {
    items {
      my_collection {

If you specify the `type.field`, you must query from that field instead.

query {
  # In this case `type.field` is "blog"
  blog {
    items {
      posts {
  # While in this case `type.field` is "portal"
  portal {
    items {
      pages {

## Docs

[View more about Directus](