This section describes the REST configuration API.
It is in process of writing...
Nevertheless, you could refer to the GeoServer Rest API documentation cause MRA was designed to offer compatibility with this model.
You will also find few _docstrings_ by reading the code, especially the module `` which defines the URL mapping infrastructure and HTTP methods used by the REST API.
### Workspaces
A workspace is a grouping of data stores and coverage stores.
A data store is a source of spatial data that is vector based.
It can be a file such as a _shapefile_ or a database such as _PostGIS_.
A data store contains one or more feature types which are vector based spatial resource.
In cases of a _shapefile_, the feature type is unique and corresponds to the data store.
In cases of a _PostGIS_ database, feature types corresponds to tables.
A coverage store is a source of spatial data that is raster based.
In current version, it can only be a _GeoTIFF_ file.
For this format file, the coverage is unique and corresponds to the coverage store.
Resource | Description
[**GET workspaces**](get/ | Returns a list containing example
**POST workspaces** | Creates a new workspace.
**GET workspaces/_{ws}_** | Returns the given workspace.
**GET workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores** | Returns a list containing data stores in the given workspace.
**POST workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores** | Creates a new data store.
**GET workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_** | Returns data store _{ds}_.
**PUT workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_** | Modifies data store _{ds}_.
**DELETE workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_** | Deletes data store _{ds}_.
**PUT workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/file._{extension}_** | Uploads a vector data file from a local source.
**GET workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes** | Returns a list containing all feature types in selected data store.
**POST workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes** | Creates a new feature type. It creates the associated layer by default.
**GET workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes/_{ft}_** | Returns feature type _{ft}_.
**PUT workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes/_{ft}_** | Modifies feature type _{ft}_.
**DELETE workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes/_{ft}_** | Delete feture type _{ft}_.
**GET workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores** | Returns a list containing coverage stores in the given workspace.
**POST workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragetores** | Creates a new coverage store.
**GET workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_** | Returns coverage store _{cs}_.
**PUT workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_** | Modifies coverage store _{ds}_.
**DELETE workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_** | Deletes coverage store _{ds}_.
**PUT workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/file._{extension}_** | Uploads a raster data file from a local source.
**GET workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/coverages** | Returns a list containing all coverages in selected coverage store.
**POST workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/coverages** | Creates a new coverage. It creates the associated layer by default.