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How to install MapServer Rest API
This document describes how to install and configure **MapServer Rest API**.
**MapServer Rest API** needs the following components:
* nosetests (Not mandatory but required to run tests)
* GDAL/OGR (>= 1.9.x with Python support)
* MapServer (>= 6.x with MapScript-Python support)
Get the newest source code by downloading the archive at `download`_ page.
Then extract the archive in a directory of your choice. Or checkout the Git in some place.
.. _download: https://github.com/neogeo-technologies/mra
There is nothing to do more.
Configure your server, e.g. with Apache, just create a virtual directory and the following aliases: ::
WSGIPythonPath /path/to/mra/src/mra
WSGIScriptAlias /mra /path/to/mra/src/mra/server.py
Alias /static /path/to/mra/static
<Directory /home/mra/static>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
AddType text/html .py .js
<Directory /home/mra/src/mra>
SetHandler wsgi-script
Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
You must reload Apache to make the change take effect.
All settings are done in the ``mra/src/mra/mra.yaml`` file, which should be rather easy to adapt to your configuration.
If you have checked out the svn repository, just rename the ``mra.yaml.sample`` in ``mra.yaml``.
That way, your own configuration won't be discarded by a further update.
Path to the directory containing your mapfiles, which can be located anywhere on your disk.
The MapServerRestAPI will scan this directory recursively to find all the mapfiles.
``mapfiles: "/path/to/your/mapfiles/directory"``
Path to the directory containing your data, which can be located anywhere on your disk.
``resources: "/path/to/your/data/directory"``
URL that should be used to access your mapserver.
``url: ""``
* **wms_version**, **wfs_version**, **wcs_version**
Default version to use for WMS, WFS and WCS.
web_debug allows for easy debuging in the the browser, should be deactivated in production.
Exceptions are transformed into web errors.
This can be prevented by setting raise_all to True.
Format of the debug log. Here is a typical message:
``format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)7s: (%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s) %(message)s"``
Path to the log file, which can be located anywhere on your disk.
* **level** [DEBUG | INFO | WARNING | ERROR]
* **web_logs** [False | True]
To add the logs to the generated output of the webapp.
* **active** [True | False]
Additions to the API for testing, should be deactivated in production.
* **model**
Finally check MapServer Rest API is working correctly: