Version 1.3.4
- Redmine 9634: Prevent user to select negative valides in "Délai avant archivage" and "Délai avant suppression"
- Redmine 9803: Display feature status "En attente de publication" for admins and moderators
- Redmine 10106: Improve error message when trying to create an feature link without destination feature
- Redmine 10342: Prevents the name of field (of a feature type) to start by a number
- Redmine 10348: Feature links, fix print two links printed per link.
- Redmine 10667: Prevent user to add spaces before/after a choice in field of type list in the feature type definition
- Redmine 11066: The basemaps requests now work when creating a feature.
- Redmine 11067: Limit the zoom factor when the user have searched an addresse
- Redmine 11080: Notify the user when the base maps of a project where recorded correctly
- Redmine 11119: Fix duplicates research when importing json features
- Redmine 11164: Fix feature list in django admin
Edited by Sébastien DA ROCHA