# login-site ## Project setup ```shell npm install ``` ### Set environment variables ```ìni NODE_ENV=development VUE_APP_LOCALE=fr-FR DOMAIN=https://dev.pigma.neogeo.fr/fr VUE_APP_DOMAIN=https://dev.pigma.neogeo.fr/ BASE_PATH=/ VUE_APP_NEXT_DEFAULT=/ VUE_APP_BASE_PATH=${BASE_PATH} # API VUE_APP_LOGIN_API_PATH=/fr/login VUE_APP_ORGANISATION_API_PATH=/fr/organisation/ VUE_APP_USERGROUP_API_PATH=/fr/usergroup/ # AUTH VUE_APP_LOGIN_API_USERNAME=admin VUE_APP_LOGIN_API_PASSWORD=Neogeo2020 ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ```shell npm run serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ```shell npm run build ``` ### Run your unit tests ```shell npm run test:unit ``` ### Run your end-to-end tests ```shell npm run test:e2e ``` ### Lints and fixes files ```shell npm run lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](https://cli.vuejs.org/config/).