{ "titles": { "forgottenpassword": "Forgotten password", "notfound": "Not found", "organisationsignup": "Organisation Signup", "reinitpassword": "Password reinitialization", "signin": "Login", "signout": "Signout", "signoutfailed": "Signout failed", "signup": "Signup", "signupsuccess": "Signup success", "termsofuse": "Terms of use", "userprofile": "Account details", "validationemail": "Email validation", "validateregistration": "Registration validation" }, "ariaLabels": { "displayPassword": "Display password" }, "words": { "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "firstname": "First name", "lastname": "Last name", "email": "E-mail address", "phone": "Phone number", "login": "Log in", "logout": "Log out", "validate": "Validate", "cancel": "Cancel", "retry": "Retry", "accept": "Accept", "decline": "Decline", "save": "Save", "goBack": "Go back", "as": "as" }, "errors": { "required": "This field is required", "email": "Please enter a valid email address. (ex: myemail@example.com)", "confirmPassword": "Passwords must be identical", "regexPassword": "Your password must be at least 8 characters long, including at least 1 upper case, 1 lower case and 1 number. You can use the followings specials characters : $ & + , : ; = ? # | ' < > . ^ * ( ) % ! -" }, "messages": { "error": "An error has occured.", "loginError": "Incorrect username and/or password", "password": { "success": "Your password has been changed." }, "reinitPwdRequest": { "success": "An e-mail has been sent to your mailbox to reset your password.", "error": "No account found for this e-mail address." }, "reinitPwdConfirm": { "success": "Your password has been successfully reset. You will be redirected to the login page.", "error": "Your token has expired. You must request a new one to change your password." } }, "multiselect": { "noResult": "No results found", "noOptions": "Enter the first characters..." }, "importImage": { "logo": "Add a logo", "image": "Add an image", "placeholder": "Upload file" }, "organisationCreation": { "title": "Create a new organisation", "form": { "name": "Organisation name", "nameHelp": "Spelled out the entire name", "acronym": "Acronym", "siret": "Identification number", "type": "Organisation type", "typePlaceholder": "Select a type", "logo": "Organisation logo", "logoHelp": "Import a logo either in JPG or PNG format (maximum size: 2 MB)", "web": "Website", "phone": "Phone number", "address": "Address", "description": "Organisation description", "group": { "title": "Add this organisation to groups of organisations", "help": "Adding this organisation to an organisation group will provide access to the data and data collections associated with that organisation group.", "placeholder": "Add this organisation to groups of organisations" } } }, "signin": { "title": "Enter your {org} credentials", "forgottenpassword": "Forgot your password", "noaccount": "No account yet", "warning": "You already had a {org} account and this is your first connection to the new platform? If so, for RGPD compliance reasons, you need to regenerate your password via the « Forgot your password? » link below. Please enter the email address linked to your {org} account. If you encounter a problem, please contact us at the following email address ", "proconnectlogin" : "Login with ProConnect", "proconnectdoc" : "What is ProConnect ?", "divider": "OR" }, "forgottenPassword": { "title": "Reset your password", "message": "Please enter your account email address", "placeholder": "Email address", "confirmationButton": "Send reinitialization email" }, "organisationsignup": { "title": "New organisation", "subtitle": "Request an organisation", "secondTitle": "A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your address", "requiredFields": "* Required fields" }, "reinitPassword": { "title": "Set a new Password", "newLabel": "New password", "confirmLabel": "Confirm password", "passwordHelp": [ "Your password must be different from your personal information.", "Your password must contain at least 8 characters.", "Your password cannot be a commonly used password.", "Your password cannot be entirely numerical." ] }, "signup": { "title": "New account", "subtitle": "Request an account", "secondTitle": "A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your address", "form": { "personalDetails": { "title": "Your personal details", "reason": "Reason for registration" }, "loginDetails": { "title": "Your login details", "usernameHelp": "The username is automatically generated from the first letter of your firstname and your lastname. It cannot be changed.", "passwordHelp": [ "Your password must be different from your personal information.", "Your password must contain at least 8 characters.", "Your password cannot be a commonly used password.", "Your password cannot be entirely numerical." ] }, "organisation": { "title": "Organisation", "subtitle": "Select your organisation from the list below.", "info": "The list might only offers some of the organizations present, it will be updated as you search", "placeholder": "Search for an organisation...", "noOptions": "Enter an organisation's first characters to start the search", "help": { "text": "If you can't find it on the list, you can", "link": " specify a new organisation." } } } }, "signupSuccess": { "message": [ "A confirmation e-mail has just been sent to the address indicated on the form.", "Please follow given instructions to finalize your account creation." ] }, "signout": { "message": "You are now logged out.", "toSignIn": "Go to login page" }, "signoutFailed": { "message": "An error occurred during signout." }, "termsOfUse": { "error": "An error has occurred. Please contact the site administrator.", "download": "Download terms of use" }, "profile": { "title": "Existing account", "subtitle": "Edit your account informations", "form": { "personalDetails": { "title": "Your personal details", "reason": "Reason for registration", "organisation": { "label": "Organisation(s)/Group(s)", "noOrganisation": "You are not affiliated with any organisation.", "help": "For any modification request, please contact" } }, "emailChange": { "title": "Change your email address", "label": "New email address", "help": "You can request a change of your email address by entering a new address. A confirmation link will be sent to the new address." }, "passwordChange": { "title": "Change your password", "oldLabel": "Old password", "oldPlaceholder": "Old password", "newLabel": "New password", "newPlaceholder": "New password", "confirmPlaceholder": "Confirm password", "passwordHelp": [ "Your password must be different from your personal information.", "Your password must contain at least 8 characters.", "Your password cannot be a commonly used password.", "Your password cannot be entirely numerical." ] } }, "personalDataExport": { "title": "Personal data export", "newDemand": "New request for export of personal data" } }, "validationEmail": { "message": "Your new email address has been validated.", "goToLogin": "Go to login", "error": "An error has occurred. Please contact the site administrator." }, "validationRegistration": { "messages": { "success": [ "Thank you for your registration.", "You will receive a notification when your account is enabled by the platform administrator." ], "error": "An error has occurred. Please contact the site administrator." }, "confirmation": "To confirm your registration", "clickHere": "Click here" }, "footer": "Powered by", "403": "Access Denied", "notFound": { "title": "Page not found", "text": "The page you are trying to access doesn't exist." } }