import React, { ReactElement } from "react"; import { Link } from "gatsby"; import { Content } from "@onegeo/gatsby-theme-onegeo"; import { Card } from "@onegeo/gatsby-theme-onegeo"; function card(): ReactElement { return ( <Content> <div className="prose"> <Link to="/doc/core">Retour</Link> <h1>Card</h1> <h2>Props</h2> <div className="mockup-code"> <pre> <code> {`interface CardProps { title?: string; content?: string; image?: string | IGatsbyImageData; to?: string; anime?: boolean; layout?: "top" | "left"; className?: string; }`} </code> </pre> </div> <h2>Example</h2> </div> <div className="flex gap-6 m-4"> <Card title="Action" content="Action description for the Button" /> <Card title="Action" content="Action without animation for the Button" anime={false} /> </div> <div className="flex gap-6 m-4"> <Card title="Action" content="Action whith icon on top for the Button" layout="left" /> </div> </Content> ); } export default card;