diff --git a/gatsby-node.js b/gatsby-node.js
index fe15b6aa8fca151e37791ad2771447344cead3c0..dc0b9e016e0f2b1c8e6761f8584e3eed2715febc 100644
--- a/gatsby-node.js
+++ b/gatsby-node.js
@@ -1,264 +1,302 @@
-const ms = require('ms');
-const chalk = require('chalk');
-const { Directus } = require('@directus/sdk');
-const { sourceNodes, createSchemaCustomization } = require('gatsby-source-graphql/gatsby-node');
-const { createRemoteFileNode } = require('gatsby-source-filesystem');
+const ms = require("ms");
+const chalk = require("chalk");
+const { Directus } = require("@directus/sdk");
+const {
+  sourceNodes,
+  createSchemaCustomization,
+} = require("gatsby-source-graphql/gatsby-node");
+const { createRemoteFileNode } = require("gatsby-source-filesystem");
  * Validate plugin options
 exports.pluginOptionsSchema = ({ Joi }) => {
-	return Joi.object().keys({
-		url: Joi.string().required(),
-		auth: Joi.object()
-			.keys({
-				token: Joi.string(),
-				email: Joi.string(),
-				password: Joi.string(),
-			})
-			.with('email', 'password')
-			.with('password', 'email')
-			.xor('token', 'email'),
-		type: Joi.object()
-			.keys({
-				name: Joi.string(),
-				field: Joi.string(),
-			})
-			.optional(),
-		dev: Joi.object().keys({
-			refresh: [Joi.number(), Joi.string()],
-		}),
-		graphql: Joi.object(),
-	});
+  return Joi.object().keys({
+    url: Joi.string().required(),
+    auth: Joi.object()
+      .keys({
+        token: Joi.string(),
+        email: Joi.string(),
+        password: Joi.string(),
+      })
+      .with("email", "password")
+      .with("password", "email")
+      .xor("token", "email"),
+    type: Joi.object()
+      .keys({
+        name: Joi.string(),
+        field: Joi.string(),
+      })
+      .optional(),
+    dev: Joi.object().keys({
+      refresh: [Joi.number(), Joi.string()],
+    }),
+    graphql: Joi.object(),
+  });
  * Gatsby source implementation.
 exports.sourceNodes = async (gatsbyOptions, pluginOptions) => {
-	await plugin.setOptions(pluginOptions);
+  await plugin.setOptions(pluginOptions);
-	const optionsSystem = plugin.getOptionsSystem();
-	const options = plugin.getOptions();
+  const optionsSystem = plugin.getOptionsSystem();
+  const options = plugin.getOptions();
-	const createNode = gatsbyOptions.actions.createNode;
+  const createNode = gatsbyOptions.actions.createNode;
-	// Avoid type conflict with gatsby-source-graphql
-	gatsbyOptions.actions.createNode = (node) => {
-		if (node.internal.type === 'GraphQLSource') {
-			if (node.typeName === optionsSystem.typeName) node.internal.type = 'DirectusSystemGraphQLSource';
-			if (node.typeName === options.typeName) node.internal.type = 'DirectusGraphQLSource';
-		}
+  // Avoid type conflict with gatsby-source-graphql
+  gatsbyOptions.actions.createNode = (node) => {
+    if (node.internal.type === "GraphQLSource") {
+      if (node.typeName === optionsSystem.typeName)
+        node.internal.type = "DirectusSystemGraphQLSource";
+      if (node.typeName === options.typeName)
+        node.internal.type = "DirectusGraphQLSource";
+    }
-		return createNode(node);
-	};
+    return createNode(node);
+  };
-	await sourceNodes(gatsbyOptions, optionsSystem);
-	await sourceNodes(gatsbyOptions, options);
+  await sourceNodes(gatsbyOptions, optionsSystem);
+  await sourceNodes(gatsbyOptions, options);
 exports.createSchemaCustomization = async (gatsby, pluginOptions) => {
-	await plugin.setOptions(pluginOptions);
+  await plugin.setOptions(pluginOptions);
-	await createSchemaCustomization(gatsby, plugin.getOptionsSystem());
-	await createSchemaCustomization(gatsby, plugin.getOptions());
+  await createSchemaCustomization(gatsby, plugin.getOptionsSystem());
+  await createSchemaCustomization(gatsby, plugin.getOptions());
  * Gatsby file implementation.
-exports.createResolvers = async ({ actions, cache, createNodeId, createResolvers, store, reporter }, pluginOptions) => {
-	await plugin.setOptions(pluginOptions);
-	const { createNode } = actions;
-	const { headers } = await plugin.getOptions();
-	const { Authorization } = await headers();
-	const fileResolver = {
-		imageFile: {
-			type: `File`,
-			async resolve(source) {
-				if (!source || !source.id) return null;
-				let filename_download = plugin.fileCache.get(source.id);
-				if (!filename_download) {
-					if (source.filename_download) filename_download = source.filename_download;
-					else ({ filename_download } = await plugin.directus.files.readOne(source.id));
-					plugin.fileCache.set(source.id, filename_download);
-				}
-				const nameParts = filename_download.split('.');
-				const ext = nameParts.length > 1 ? `.${nameParts.pop()}` : '';
-				const name = nameParts.join('.');
-				return createRemoteFileNode({
-					url: `${plugin.url}assets/${source.id}`,
-					store,
-					cache,
-					createNode,
-					createNodeId,
-					httpHeaders: { Authorization },
-					reporter,
-					ext,
-					name,
-				});
-			},
-		},
-	};
-	await createResolvers({
-		DirectusData_directus_files: fileResolver,
-		DirectusSystemData_directus_files: fileResolver,
-	});
+exports.createResolvers = async (
+  { actions, cache, createNodeId, createResolvers, store, reporter },
+  pluginOptions
+) => {
+  await plugin.setOptions(pluginOptions);
+  const { createNode } = actions;
+  const { headers } = await plugin.getOptions();
+  const { Authorization } = await headers();
+  const fileResolver = {
+    imageFile: {
+      type: `File`,
+      async resolve(source) {
+        if (!source || !source.id) return null;
+        let filename_download = plugin.fileCache.get(source.id);
+        if (!filename_download) {
+          if (source.filename_download)
+            filename_download = source.filename_download;
+          else
+            ({ filename_download } = await plugin.directus.files.readOne(
+              source.id
+            ));
+          plugin.fileCache.set(source.id, filename_download);
+        }
+        const nameParts = filename_download.split(".");
+        const ext = nameParts.length > 1 ? `.${nameParts.pop()}` : "";
+        const name = nameParts.join(".");
+        return createRemoteFileNode({
+          url: `${plugin.url}assets/${source.id}`,
+          store,
+          cache,
+          createNode,
+          createNodeId,
+          httpHeaders: { Authorization },
+          reporter,
+          ext,
+          name,
+        });
+      },
+    },
+  };
+  await createResolvers({
+    DirectusData_directus_files: fileResolver,
+    DirectusSystemData_directus_files: fileResolver,
+  });
 class Plugin {
-	constructor() {
-		// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
-		this.fileCache = new Map();
-		this.directus = null;
-		this.options = null;
-		this.urlGraphqlSystem = '';
-		this.urlGraphql = '';
-		this.url = '';
-		this.refreshInterval = 0;
-		this.authPromise = null;
-	}
-	async setOptions(options) {
-		const { url, dev, auth } = options;
-		if (isEmpty(url)) error('"url" must be defined');
-		if (this.directus) return this.authPromise;
-		const hasAuth = !!auth;
-		const hasToken = !isEmpty(auth?.token);
-		const hasEmail = !isEmpty(auth?.email);
-		const hasPassword = !isEmpty(auth?.password);
-		const hasCredentials = hasEmail && hasPassword;
-		if (hasAuth) {
-			if (!hasToken && !hasCredentials) error('"auth.token" or ("auth.email" and "auth.password") must be defined');
-		} else warning('no "auth" option were defined. Resources will be fetched with public role');
-		try {
-			const baseUrl = new URL(url);
-			const basePath = baseUrl.pathname;
-			baseUrl.pathname = basePath;
-			this.url = baseUrl.toString();
-			baseUrl.pathname = basePath + '/graphql';
-			this.urlGraphql = baseUrl.toString();
-			baseUrl.pathname = basePath + '/graphql/system';
-			this.urlGraphqlSystem = baseUrl.toString();
-		} catch (err) {
-			error('"url" should be a valid URL');
-		}
-		try {
-			this.directus = new Directus(this.url);
-			if (hasToken) this.authPromise = await this.directus.auth.static(auth.token);
-			if (hasCredentials)
-				this.authPromise = await this.directus.auth.login({ email: auth?.email, password: auth?.password });
-		} catch (err) {
-			error(`authentication failed with: ${err.message}\nAre credentials valid?`);
-		}
-		this.refreshInterval = typeof dev?.refresh === 'string' ? ms(dev.refresh) / 1000 : dev?.refresh || 15;
-		if (Number.isNaN(this.refreshInterval))
-			error('"dev.refresh" should be a number in seconds or a string with ms format, i.e. 5s, 5m, 5h, ...');
-		this.options = options;
-		return this.authPromise;
-	}
-	getOptions() {
-		const internalOptions = ['url', 'dev', 'auth', 'type'];
-		const gatsbyPluginOptions = Object.fromEntries(
-			Object.entries(this.options).flatMap(([key, value]) => (internalOptions.includes(key) ? [] : [[key, value]]))
-		);
-		return {
-			...this.options.graphql,
-			...gatsbyPluginOptions,
-			url: this.urlGraphql,
-			typeName: this.options?.type?.name || 'DirectusData',
-			fieldName: this.options?.type?.field || 'directus',
-			headers: this.headers.bind(this),
-		};
-	}
-	getOptionsSystem() {
-		const options = this.getOptions();
-		return {
-			...options,
-			url: this.urlGraphqlSystem,
-			typeName: this.options?.type?.system_name || 'DirectusSystemData',
-			fieldName: this.options?.type?.system_field || 'directus_system',
-		};
-	}
-	async headers() {
-		let headers = {};
-		if (typeof this.options?.headers === 'object') {
-			Object.assign(headers, this.options.headers || {});
-		} else if (typeof this.options?.headers === 'function') {
-			Object.assign(headers, (await this.options.headers()) || {});
-		}
-		if (this.directus.auth.token) {
-			Object.assign(headers, {
-				Authorization: `Bearer ${this.directus.auth.token}`,
-			});
-		}
-		return headers;
-	}
+  constructor() {
+    // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
+    this.fileCache = new Map();
+    this.directus = null;
+    this.options = null;
+    this.urlGraphqlSystem = "";
+    this.urlGraphql = "";
+    this.url = "";
+    this.refreshInterval = 0;
+    this.authPromise = null;
+  }
+  async setOptions(options) {
+    const { url, dev, auth } = options;
+    if (isEmpty(url)) error('"url" must be defined');
+    if (this.directus) return this.authPromise;
+    const hasAuth = !!auth;
+    const hasToken = !isEmpty(auth?.token);
+    const hasEmail = !isEmpty(auth?.email);
+    const hasPassword = !isEmpty(auth?.password);
+    const hasCredentials = hasEmail && hasPassword;
+    if (hasAuth) {
+      if (!hasToken && !hasCredentials)
+        error(
+          '"auth.token" or ("auth.email" and "auth.password") must be defined'
+        );
+    } else
+      warning(
+        'no "auth" option were defined. Resources will be fetched with public role'
+      );
+    try {
+      // Forked here to preserve  basePath
+      const baseUrl = new URL(url);
+      const basePath = baseUrl.pathname;
+      baseUrl.pathname = basePath;
+      this.url = baseUrl.toString();
+      baseUrl.pathname = basePath + "/graphql";
+      this.urlGraphql = baseUrl.toString();
+      baseUrl.pathname = basePath + "/graphql/system";
+      this.urlGraphqlSystem = baseUrl.toString();
+      //
+    } catch (err) {
+      error('"url" should be a valid URL');
+    }
+    try {
+      this.directus = new Directus(this.url);
+      if (hasToken)
+        this.authPromise = await this.directus.auth.static(auth.token);
+      if (hasCredentials)
+        this.authPromise = await this.directus.auth.login({
+          email: auth?.email,
+          password: auth?.password,
+        });
+    } catch (err) {
+      error(
+        `authentication failed with: ${err.message}\nAre credentials valid?`
+      );
+    }
+    this.refreshInterval =
+      typeof dev?.refresh === "string"
+        ? ms(dev.refresh) / 1000
+        : dev?.refresh || 15;
+    if (Number.isNaN(this.refreshInterval))
+      error(
+        '"dev.refresh" should be a number in seconds or a string with ms format, i.e. 5s, 5m, 5h, ...'
+      );
+    this.options = options;
+    return this.authPromise;
+  }
+  getOptions() {
+    const internalOptions = ["url", "dev", "auth", "type"];
+    const gatsbyPluginOptions = Object.fromEntries(
+      Object.entries(this.options).flatMap(([key, value]) =>
+        internalOptions.includes(key) ? [] : [[key, value]]
+      )
+    );
+    return {
+      ...this.options.graphql,
+      ...gatsbyPluginOptions,
+      url: this.urlGraphql,
+      typeName: this.options?.type?.name || "DirectusData",
+      fieldName: this.options?.type?.field || "directus",
+      headers: this.headers.bind(this),
+    };
+  }
+  getOptionsSystem() {
+    const options = this.getOptions();
+    return {
+      ...options,
+      url: this.urlGraphqlSystem,
+      typeName: this.options?.type?.system_name || "DirectusSystemData",
+      fieldName: this.options?.type?.system_field || "directus_system",
+    };
+  }
+  async headers() {
+    let headers = {};
+    if (typeof this.options?.headers === "object") {
+      Object.assign(headers, this.options.headers || {});
+    } else if (typeof this.options?.headers === "function") {
+      Object.assign(headers, (await this.options.headers()) || {});
+    }
+    if (this.directus.auth.token) {
+      Object.assign(headers, {
+        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.directus.auth.token}`,
+      });
+    }
+    return headers;
+  }
 class Log {
-	static log(level, message) {
-		let color = level === 'error' ? 'red' : level === 'warning' ? 'yellow' : 'white';
-		// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
-		console.log(chalk.cyan('gatsby-source-directus'), ':', chalk[color](message));
-	}
-	static error(message) {
-		Log.log('error', message);
-	}
-	static warning(message) {
-		Log.log('error', message);
-	}
+  static log(level, message) {
+    let color =
+      level === "error" ? "red" : level === "warning" ? "yellow" : "white";
+    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+    console.log(
+      chalk.cyan("gatsby-source-directus"),
+      ":",
+      chalk[color](message)
+    );
+  }
+  static error(message) {
+    Log.log("error", message);
+  }
+  static warning(message) {
+    Log.log("error", message);
+  }
 function isEmpty(value) {
-	if (value?.constructor === String) return value.length === 0;
+  if (value?.constructor === String) return value.length === 0;
-	return true;
+  return true;
 function error(message) {
-	Log.error(message);
+  Log.error(message);
-	const error = new Error(`gatsby-source-directus: ${message}`);
-	error.stack = undefined;
+  const error = new Error(`gatsby-source-directus: ${message}`);
+  error.stack = undefined;
-	throw error;
+  throw error;
 function warning(message) {
-	Log.warning(message);
+  Log.warning(message);
 const plugin = new Plugin();
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 6bb6422045e45960c37f7a721c2627aa957ec37b..578530a0f9973f040e5221c206f2de6e4a912c03 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-	"name": "@directus/gatsby-source-directus",
-	"version": "9.14.1",
-	"description": "Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from a Directus API.",
-	"author": "João Biondo <wolfulus@gmail.com>",
-	"license": "MIT",
-	"keywords": [
-		"gatsby",
-		"gatsby-plugin",
-		"directus"
-	],
-	"dependencies": {
-		"@directus/sdk": "9.14.1",
-		"gatsby-source-filesystem": "4.13.0",
-		"gatsby-source-graphql": "4.13.0",
-		"ms": "2.1.3"
-	},
-	"repository": "directus/gatsby-source-directus",
-	"bugs": {
-		"url": "https://github.com/directus/directus/issues"
-	},
-	"gitHead": "24621f3934dc77eb23441331040ed13c676ceffd"
+  "name": "@onegeo/gatsby-source-directus",
+  "version": "9.14.1",
+  "description": "Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from a Directus API.",
+  "author": "João Biondo <wolfulus@gmail.com>",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "keywords": [
+    "gatsby",
+    "gatsby-plugin",
+    "directus"
+  ],
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@directus/sdk": "9.14.1",
+    "gatsby-source-filesystem": "4.13.0",
+    "gatsby-source-graphql": "4.13.0",
+    "ms": "2.1.3"
+  },
+  "repository": "onegeo/gatsby-source-directus",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/directus/directus/issues"
+  },
+  "gitHead": "24621f3934dc77eb23441331040ed13c676ceffd"
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 960717d93a2e8589f171cf33b40e682db535b42a..fc2e8e0b049447bf39203869695c6d6caf3f4e62 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
 Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from a Directus API.
+Forked from https://github.com/directus/gatsby-source-directus
 ## Install
-npm install --save @directus/gatsby-source-directus
+npm install --save @onegeo/gatsby-source-directus
 ## Usage
@@ -15,31 +17,31 @@ npm install --save @directus/gatsby-source-directus
 module.exports = {
-	// ... some gatsby configuration
-	plugins: [
-		// ... some gatsby plugins
-		// You can take advantage of the following plugins with gatsby-source-directus
-		// `gatsby-plugin-image`,
-		// `gatsby-transformer-sharp`,
-		// `gatsby-plugin-sharp`,
-		// Finally our plugin
-		{
-			resolve: '@directus/gatsby-source-directus',
-			options: {
-				url: `https://myproject.directus.cloud`, // Fill with your Directus instance address
-				auth: {
-					token: 'my_secret_token', // You can use a static token from an user
-					// Or you can use the credentials of an user
-					// email: "johndoe@directus.cloud",
-					// password: "mysecretpassword",
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	],
+  // ... some gatsby configuration
+  plugins: [
+    // ... some gatsby plugins
+    // You can take advantage of the following plugins with gatsby-source-directus
+    // `gatsby-plugin-image`,
+    // `gatsby-transformer-sharp`,
+    // `gatsby-plugin-sharp`,
+    // Finally our plugin
+    {
+      resolve: "@onegeo/gatsby-source-directus",
+      options: {
+        url: `https://myproject.directus.cloud/directus`, // Fill with your Directus instance address
+        auth: {
+          token: "my_secret_token", // You can use a static token from an user
+          // Or you can use the credentials of an user
+          // email: "johndoe@directus.cloud",
+          // password: "mysecretpassword",
+        },
+      },
+    },
+  ],
@@ -47,42 +49,42 @@ module.exports = {
 query {
-	# if you change `type.name`, remember to also rename following field
-	directus {
-		# the collection you want to query
-		articles {
-			# the fields you want to query from above collection
-			title
-			files {
-				# since this is a M2M relationship, we need to reference the junction field
-				directus_files_id {
-					# `id` is required to be fetched in order to be used with `gatsby-transformer-sharp`
-					id
-					imageFile {
-						# when using the plugin 'gatsby-transformer-sharp', you can query images with transformations
-						childImageSharp {
-							gatsbyImageData(width: 200)
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	# it's also possible to query system collections
-	directus_system {
-		users {
-			email
-		}
-		files {
-			id
-			imageFile {
-				childImageSharp {
-					gatsbyImageData(width: 200)
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+  # if you change `type.name`, remember to also rename following field
+  directus {
+    # the collection you want to query
+    articles {
+      # the fields you want to query from above collection
+      title
+      files {
+        # since this is a M2M relationship, we need to reference the junction field
+        directus_files_id {
+          # `id` is required to be fetched in order to be used with `gatsby-transformer-sharp`
+          id
+          imageFile {
+            # when using the plugin 'gatsby-transformer-sharp', you can query images with transformations
+            childImageSharp {
+              gatsbyImageData(width: 200)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # it's also possible to query system collections
+  directus_system {
+    users {
+      email
+    }
+    files {
+      id
+      imageFile {
+        childImageSharp {
+          gatsbyImageData(width: 200)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
@@ -135,14 +137,14 @@ The default way to query data is to fetch items from `directus` field.
 query {
-	directus {
-		items {
-			my_collection {
-				some_field
-				other_field
-			}
-		}
-	}
+  directus {
+    items {
+      my_collection {
+        some_field
+        other_field
+      }
+    }
+  }
@@ -150,28 +152,28 @@ If you specify the `type.field`, you must query from that field instead.
 query {
-	# In this case `type.field` is "blog"
-	blog {
-		items {
-			posts {
-				id
-				title
-				slug
-				status
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	# While in this case `type.field` is "portal"
-	portal {
-		items {
-			pages {
-				id
-				title
-				slug
-				status
-			}
-		}
-	}
+  # In this case `type.field` is "blog"
+  blog {
+    items {
+      posts {
+        id
+        title
+        slug
+        status
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # While in this case `type.field` is "portal"
+  portal {
+    items {
+      pages {
+        id
+        title
+        slug
+        status
+      }
+    }
+  }