storage: ## All default storage paths are relative to mra's root which is described here: root: "/my/full/path/to/mra/root" ## However, you can specify specific directories for any of those sub-directories. ## They will default to root/sub_directory_name # services: "" # available: "" # resources: "" ## Folowing the same principle, the folowing two directories will ## default to resources/sub_directory_name # styles: "" # data: "" mapserver: url: "" wms_version: "1.3.0" wfs_version: "1.1.0" wcs_version: "1.0.0" debug: ## web_debug allows for easy debuging in the the browser, should be deactivated in production. web_debug: False ## Normaly some exceptions are transformed into web errors. (404, ...) ## This can be prevented by setting raise_all to True. raise_all: False logging: format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)7s: (%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s) %(message)s" file: "/tmp/mra.log" level: "INFO" ## Add the logs to the generated output of the webapp by setting web_logs. web_logs: False plugins: ## The paths in this lists will be loaded as plugins. ## A plugin can be a python package, if that is the case it ## should define the __all__ attribute to indicate which modules ## should be handled as plugins. (An example can be found in /plugins) loadpaths: [ # "/my/full/path/to/plugins" ]