From cf7d7081962b260add2df7d98807a9d7d7d623c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Ma=C3=ABl=20M=C3=A9liani?= <>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 14:38:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Updated docs...

 docs/    |  10 +-
 docs/pages/ | 279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 docs/pages/     | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 docs/pages/ |  30 ++---
 src/            |   1 +
 5 files changed, 387 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 1f571dc..bef8b89 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ So a layer is the combination of data (feature type or coverage) plus styling (i
 Resource | Description
-**GET    layers** | Returns a list containing all layers.
-**POST   layers** | Creates a new layer.
-**GET    layers/_{l}_** | Returns layer _{l}_.
-**PUT    layers/_{l}_** | Modifies layer _{l}_.
-**DELETE layers/_{l}_** | Deletes layer _{l}_.
+[**GET    layers**](pages/ | Returns a list containing all layers.
+[**POST   layers**](pages/ | Creates a new layer.
+[**GET    layers/_{l}_**](pages/ | Returns layer _{l}_.
+[**PUT    layers/_{l}_**](pages/ | Modifies layer _{l}_.
+[**DELETE layers/_{l}_**](pages/ | Deletes layer _{l}_.
 **GET    layers/_{l}_/styles** | Returns a list containing all styles associated to layer _{l}_.
 **DELETE layers/_{l}_/styles/_{s}_** | Removes style _{s}_ from layer _{l}_.
 **GET    layers/_{l}_/fields** | Returns a list containing all fields associated to layer _{l}_.
diff --git a/docs/pages/ b/docs/pages/
index b31f3a4..31f4a0d 100644
--- a/docs/pages/
+++ b/docs/pages/
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
-## DataStores
+## Data stores & Feature types
 A data store is a source of spatial data that is vector based.
+A data store is a connection to a data source as implied by OGR library.
+It could be a shapefile, a PostGIS database or any other data type supported by OGR.
+A feature type is a data set that originates from a data store.
 ### GET workspaces/{ws}/datastores
@@ -9,38 +14,32 @@ Returns a list containing data stores in workspace.
 #### Resource URL
 #### Available formats
 HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
-#### Parameters
 #### Exemple request
-**GET http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores.json**
+**GET** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores.json
-**Status code:** 200 OK
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
-    "dataStores": [
-        {
-            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/my_fisrt_datastore.json",
-            "name": "my_fisrt_datastore"
-        }
-        {
-            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/my_second_datastore.json",
-            "name": "my_second_datastore"
-        }
-    ]
+	{
+	    "dataStores": [
+	        {
+	            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/my_fisrt_datastore.json",
+	            "name": "my_fisrt_datastore"
+	        }
+	        {
+	            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/my_second_datastore.json",
+	            "name": "my_second_datastore"
+	        }
+	    ]
+	}
 ### POST workspaces/{ws}/datastores
@@ -49,21 +48,17 @@ Creates a new data store in workspace.
 #### Resource URL
 #### Available formats
-#### Parameters
 #### Example request
-**POST http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores.json**
+**POST** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores.json
-**POST Content-type:** `application-json'
+**POST Content-type:** `application-json`
 **POST data:**
@@ -82,9 +77,11 @@ None.
-**Status code:** 201 OK
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `201 Created`
-**Location:** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json
+**Location:** `http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json`
 ### GET workspaces/{ws}/datastores/{ds}
@@ -93,23 +90,19 @@ Returns data store {ds}.
 #### Resource URL
 #### Available formats
 HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
-#### Parameters
 #### Example request
-**GET http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json
+**GET** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json
-**Status code:** 200 OK
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
 	    "dataStore": {
@@ -140,23 +133,19 @@ Modifies data store {ds}.
 #### Resource URL
 #### Available formats
-#### Parameters
 #### Example request
 **PUT http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json
-**PUT Content-type:** `application-json'
+**PUT Content-type:** `application-json`
+**PUT Data:**
 	    "dataStore": {
@@ -173,9 +162,11 @@ None
-**Status code:** 201 OK
+#### Response
-**Location:** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json
+**Status code:** `201 Created`
+**Location:** `http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json`
 ### DELETE workspaces/{ws}/datastores/{ds}
@@ -184,46 +175,206 @@ Deletes data store {ds}.
 #### Resource URL
 #### Available formats
-#### Parameters
 #### Example request
-**DELETE http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json
+**DELETE** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/pg_sample.json
-**Status code:** 200 OK
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
-### PUT workspaces/{ws}/datastores/{ds}/file.{extension}
+### PUT workspaces/{ws}/datastores/{ds}/file{.extension}
 Uploads a file from a local source and creates the data store.
 File must be zipped.
 #### Resource URL
 #### Available formats
 SHP (ShapeFile).
-#### Parameters
+#### Example request
+**PUT** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/file.shp
+**PUT Content-type:** `application-zip`
+**PUT binary-data**
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
+### GET workspaces/{ws}/datastores/{ds}/featuretypes
+Returns all feature type in data store.
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
 #### Example request
-**PUT http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/file.shp
+**GET** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/my_datastore/featuretypes.json
-**PUT Content-type:** `application-zip'
+#### Response
-**PUT binary-data**
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
+	{
+	    "featureTypes": [
+	        {
+	            "name": "my_first_featuretype",
+	            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/my_datastore/featuretypes/my_first_featuretype.json"
+	        },
+	        {
+	            "name": "my_second_featuretype",
+	            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/my_datastore/featuretypes/my_second_featuretype.json"
+	        }
+	    ]
+	}
+### POST workspaces/{ws}/datastores/{ds}/featuretypes
+Configures a new feature type in data store. The feature type musts exit.
+This operation creates automatically the associated [layer](
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+#### Example request
+**POST** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/featuretypes.json
+**POST Content-type:** `application-json`
+**POST data:**
+	{
+	    "featureType": {
+	        "name": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries",
+	        }
+	    }
+	}
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `201 Created`
+**Location:** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/featuretypes/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json
+### GET workspaces/{ws}/datastores/{ds}/featuretypes/{ft}
+Returns the feature type.
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+#### Example request
+**GET** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/featuretypes/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
+	{
+	    "featureType": {
+	        "nativeBoundingBox": {
+	            "minx": -180,
+	            "miny": -90,
+	            "maxx": 180,
+	            "maxy": 83.64513,
+	            "crs": "EPSG:4326"
+	        },
+	        "nativeCRS": "GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\",DATUM[\"WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]]",
+	        "latLonBoundingBox": {
+	            "minx": -180,
+	            "miny": -90,
+	            "maxx": 180,
+	            "maxy": 83.64513,
+	            "crs": "EPSG:4326"
+	        },
+	        "abstract": null,
+	        "nativeName": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries",
+	        "name": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries",
+	        "title": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries",
+	        "enabled": true,
+	        "projectionPolicy": "NONE",
+	        "attributes": [
+	            {
+	                "length": 4,
+	                "type": "Integer",
+	                "name": "scalerank"
+	            },
+	            {
+	                "length": 30,
+	                "type": "String",
+	                "name": "featurecla"
+	            },
+	            {
+	                "length": 16,
+	                "type": "Real",
+	                "name": "labelrank"
+	            },
+	            // ...
+	           	{
+	                "maxOccurs": 1,
+	                "type": "polygon",
+	                "name": "geometry",
+	                "minOccurs": 0
+	            }
+	        ],
+	        "store": {
+	            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json",
+	            "name": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries"
+	        }
+	    }
+	}
+### DELETE workspaces/{ws}/datastores/{ds}/featuretypes/{ft}
+Removes the configuration of the feature type.
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+#### Example request
+**DELETE** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/featuretypes/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json
+#### Response
-**Status code:** 200
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
diff --git a/docs/pages/ b/docs/pages/
index 30404ce..2bf3a12 100644
--- a/docs/pages/
+++ b/docs/pages/
@@ -1 +1,157 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+## Layers
+A layer is a data resource that could be published by a OGC Web Service. So a layer is the combination of data (feature type or coverage) plus styling (in case of OGC:WMS).
+### GET layers
+Returns a list of all existing layers.
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
+#### Exemple request
+**GET** http://hostname/layers.json
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
+	{
+	    "layers": [
+	        {
+	            "name": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries",
+	            "href": "http://hostname/layers/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json"
+	        }
+	    ]
+	}
+### POST layers
+Creates a new layers.
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
+#### Exemple request
+**POST** http://hostname/layers.json
+**POST Content-type:** `application-json`
+**POST data:**
+	{
+	    "layer": {
+	        "name": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries",
+	        "resource": {
+	            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/featuretypes/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json"}
+	    }
+	}
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `201 Created`
+**Location:** http://hostname/layer/just_countries.json
+### GET layers/{l}
+Returns the layer {l}.
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
+#### Exemple request
+**GET** http://hostname/layers/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
+	{
+	    "layer": {
+	        "name": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries",
+	        "resource": {
+	            "name": "ne_110m_admin_0_countries",
+	            "href": "http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace/datastores/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/featuretypes/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json"
+	        },
+	        "type": "POLYGON",
+	        "enabled": true
+	    },
+	    "defaultStyle": {
+	        "href": "http://hostname/styles/default_polygon.json",
+	        "name": "default_polygon"
+	    }
+	}
+### PUT layers/{l}
+Modifies the configuration of the layer {l}.
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
+#### Exemple request
+**PUT** http://hostname/layers/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json
+**POST Content-type:** `application-json`
+**POST data:**
+	{
+	    "layer": {
+	        "title": "Countries",
+	        "abstract" : "Countries distinguish between metropolitan and independent and semi-independent portions of sovereign states."
+	    }
+	}
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
+### DELETE layers/{l}
+Deletes the layer {l}.
+#### Resource URL
+#### Available formats
+HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
+#### Exemple request
+**DELETE** http://hostname/layers/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.json
+#### Response
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
diff --git a/docs/pages/ b/docs/pages/
index 0b9f706..2b20eba 100644
--- a/docs/pages/
+++ b/docs/pages/
@@ -14,17 +14,13 @@ http://hostname/workspaces{.extension}
 HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
-#### Parameters
 #### Example request
-**GET http://hostname/workspaces.json**
+**GET** http://hostname/workspaces.json
 ##### Response
-**Status code:** 200 OK
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
 	    "workspaces": [
@@ -47,15 +43,11 @@ http://hostname/workspaces{.extension}
-#### Parameters
 #### Example request
-**POST http://hostname/workspaces.json**
+**POST** http://hostname/workspaces.json
-**POST Content-type:** `application-json'
+**POST Content-type:** `application-json`
 **POST data:**
@@ -68,9 +60,9 @@ None.
 ##### Response
-**Status code:** 201 OK
+**Status code:** `201 OK`
-**Location:** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace.json
+**Location:** `http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace.json`
 ### GET workspaces/{ws}
@@ -78,23 +70,19 @@ Returns  workspace {ws}.
 #### Resource URL
 #### Available formats
 HTML (default value), JSON, XML.
-#### Parameters
 #### Example request
-**GET http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace.json**
+**GET** http://hostname/workspaces/my_workspace.json
 ##### Response
-**Status code:** 200 OK
+**Status code:** `200 OK`
         "workspace": {
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b1f04e5..130ade4 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1000,6 +1000,7 @@ class layer(object):
         # update resource if changed
         href = data.get("resource", {}).get("href")
+        print href
         if href:
                 ws_name, st_type, st_name, r_type, r_name = mra.href_parse(href, 5)