diff --git a/src/mra.py b/src/mra.py
index a25a470d927b8a0b4eb4498e4bc6eec020b91335..25eda1c646e29a839ae87402ce58e367eef4eb79 100644
--- a/src/mra.py
+++ b/src/mra.py
@@ -24,6 +24,17 @@
 #                                                                       #
 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+import os
+import os.path
+import functools
+import yaml
+import mapscript
+from webapp import KeyExists
+import metadata
 class MetadataMixin(object):
@@ -244,15 +255,21 @@ class Layergroup(object):
 class Mapfile(MetadataMixin):
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        self.ms = mapscript.mapObj(self.path)
+    def __init__(self, path, create=False):
         self.path = path
         self.filename = os.path.basename(self.path)
+        self.name = os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0]
+        if create and os.path.exists(self.path):
+            raise KeyExists(self.filename)
+        if create:
+            self.ms = mapscript.mapObj()
+        else:
+            self.ms = mapscript.mapObj(self.path)
     def save(self, path=None):
-        if path is None:
-            path = self.path
-        self.ms.save(path)
+        self.ms.save(path or self.path)
     def rawtext(self):
         open(self.path, "r").read()
@@ -501,12 +518,9 @@ class FeatureTypeModel(LayerModel):
         plugins.extend("post_configure_vector_layer", self, ws, ds, ft, layer)
 class CoverageModel(LayerModel):
-    """
-    """
-    def update(self, ws, cs_name, c_name metadata):
+    def update(self, ws, cs_name, c_name, metadata):
         ws = self.ws
         cs = ws.get_coveragestore(cs_name)
@@ -585,6 +599,11 @@ class CoverageModel(LayerModel):
 class Workspace(Mapfile):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        Mapfile.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        if self.name.endswith(".ws"):
+            self.name = self.name[:-3]
     # Stores:
     def get_store(self, st_type, name):
         st_type = st_type if st_type.endswith("s") else st_type + "s"
@@ -786,40 +805,49 @@ class Workspace(Mapfile):
 # Finaly the global context:
 class MRA(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
+    def __init__(self, config_path):
+        try:
+            self.config = yaml.load(open(config_path, "r"))
+        except yaml.YAMLError as e:
+            exit("Error in configuration file: %s" % e)
-    def safe_path_join(root, *args):
+    def safe_path_join(self, root, *args):
         full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, *args))
         if not full_path.startswith(os.path.realpath(root)):
             raise webapp.Forbidden(message="path '%s' outside root directory." % (args))
         return full_path
+    def mk_path(self, path):
+        dirs = os.path.dirname(path)
+        if not os.path.isdir(dirs):
+            os.makedirs(dirs)
+        return path
     def get_path(self, *args):
-        # TODO: get root from config.
+        root = self.config["storage"]["root"]
         return self.safe_path_join(root, *args)
     def get_resouces_path(self, *args):
-        # TODO: get root from config. (default to main_root/resources)
-        return self.safe_path_join(root, *args)
+        root = self.config["storage"].get("resources", "resources")
+        return self.get_path(root, *args)
     # Styles:
     def get_style_path(self, *args):
-        # TODO: get root from config.
-        return self.get_resouces_path("style", *args)
+        root = self.config["storage"].get("styles", "styles")
+        return self.get_resouces_path(root, *args)
     # Files:
     def get_file_path(self, *args):
-        return self.get_resouces_path("files", *args)
+        root = self.config["storage"].get("data", "data")
+        return self.get_resouces_path(root, *args)
     # Available (get):
     def get_available_path(self, *args):
-        # TODO: get root from config. (default to main_root/available)
-        return self.safe_path_join(root, *args)
+        root = self.config["storage"].get("available", "available")
+        return self.get_path(root, *args)
     def get_available(self):
         path = self.get_available_path("layers.map")
@@ -828,24 +856,29 @@ class MRA(object):
     # Workspaces:
+    def list_workspaces(self):
+        for (root, subFolders, files) in os.walk(self.get_available_path()):
+            for f in files:
+                if f.endswith(".ws.map") and not f.startswith('.'):
+                    yield f[:-7]
     def create_workspace(self, name):
-        path = self.get_available_path("%s.ws" % name)
-        # TODO: Create the thing.
-        return Workspace(path)
+        path = self.get_available_path("%s.ws.map" % name)
+        return Workspace(self.mk_path(path), create=True)
     def get_workspace(self, name):
-        path = self.get_available_path("%s.ws" % name)
+        path = self.get_available_path("%s.ws.map" % name)
         return Workspace(path)
     def delete_workspace(self, name):
-        path = self.get_available_path("%s.ws" % name)
+        path = self.get_available_path("%s.ws.map" % name)
     # Services:
     def get_service_path(self, *args):
-        # TODO: get root from config. (default to main_root/services)
-        return self.safe_path_join(root, *args)
+        root = self.config["storage"].get("services", "services")
+        return self.get_path(root, *args)
     def get_services(self):
diff --git a/src/server.py b/src/server.py
index e102054f256f035017ab450f43168df074f15b9f..4ef11b4844d6ea84cef827ff71644738c6c24670 100755
--- a/src/server.py
+++ b/src/server.py
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 import os.path
+import sys
 import web
 import json
 import urlparse
@@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ import mralogs
 import logging
 import mapfile
+from mra import MRA
 import webapp
 from webapp import HTTPCompatible, urlmap, get_data
@@ -50,104 +54,46 @@ mralogs.setup(get_config("logging")["level"], get_config("logging")["file"],
 class index(object):
-    def GET(self, format):
-        return "This is MRA."
-class mapfiles(object):
     def GET(self, format):
-        mapfiles = []
-        for path in tools.get_mapfile_paths():
-            try:
-                mf = mapfile.Mapfile(path)
-            except IOError, OSError:
-                continue
-            filename = mf.filename.replace(".map", "")
-            mapfiles.append({
-                "name": filename,
-                "href": "%s/maps/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, filename, format)
-              })
-        return {"mapfiles": mapfiles}
-    @HTTPCompatible()
-    def POST(self, format):
-        data = get_data(name="mapfile", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"])
-        map_name = data.pop("name")
-        path = tools.mk_mapfile_path(map_name)
-        with webapp.mightConflict(message="Mapfile '{exception}' already exists."):
-            mapfile.create_mapfile(path, map_name, data)
-        webapp.Created("%s/maps/%s%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, (".%s" % format) if format else ""))
+        return {
+            "workspaces": href("workspaces/"),
+            "styles": href("styles/"),
+            "layers": href("layers/"),
+            "layergroups": href("layergroups/"),
+            }
-class named_mapfile(object):
-    @HTTPCompatible(authorize=["map"], default="html")
-    def GET(self, map_name, format, *args, **kwargs):
-        mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
-        with open(mf.path, "r") as f:
-            data = f.read()
-        return {"mapfile": ({
-                "name": map_name,
-                "href": "%s/maps/%s.map" % (web.ctx.home, map_name),
-                "workspaces": href("%s/maps/%s/workspaces.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, format)),
-                "layers": href("%s/maps/%s/layers.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, format)),
-                "layergroups": href("%s/maps/%s/layergroups.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, format)),
-                "styles": href("%s/maps/%s/styles.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, format)),
-                "wms_capabilities": href("%smap=%s&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=%s&SERVICE=WMS" % (
-                            get_config("mapserver")["url"], mf.path, get_config("mapserver")["wms_version"])),
-                "wfs_capabilities": href("%smap=%s&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=%s&SERVICE=WFS" % (
-                            get_config("mapserver")["url"], mf.path, get_config("mapserver")["wfs_version"])),
-                "wcs_capabilities": href("%smap=%s&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=%s&SERVICE=WCS" % (
-                            get_config("mapserver")["url"], mf.path, get_config("mapserver")["wcs_version"])),
-                    })
-            } if format != "map" else data
+class workspaces(object):
-    def PUT(self, map_name, format):
-        mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
-        path = tools.mk_mapfile_path(map_name)
-        data = get_data(name="mapfile", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"])
-        if map_name != data.pop("name"):
-            raise webapp.Forbidden("Can't change the name of a mapfile.")
-        mf.update(data)
-        mf.save()
+    def GET(self, format, *args, **kwargs):
+        return {"workspaces": [{
+                    "name": ws_name,
+                    "href": "%s/workspaces/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, ws_name, format)
+                    } for ws_name in mra.list_workspaces()]
+                }
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, format):
-        mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
-        # TODO: We need to check if this mapfile is empty.
-        with webapp.mightNotFound("Mapfile", mapfile=map_name):
-            os.remove(mf.path)
+    def POST(self, format):
+        data = get_data(name="workspace", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name"])
+        ws_name = data.pop("name")
+        with webapp.mightConflict():
+            mra.create_workspace(ws_name).save()
-class workspaces(object):
-    @HTTPCompatible()
-    def GET(self, map_name, format, *args, **kwargs):
-        mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
-        return {"workspaces": [{
-                    "name": ws.name,
-                    "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, ws.name, format)
-                    } for ws in mf.iter_workspaces()]
-                }
+        webapp.Created("%s/workspaces/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, ws_name, format))
 class workspace(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, format):
-        mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
+    def GET(self, ws_name, format):
+        ws = mra.get_workspace(ws_name)
         return {"workspace": ({
                     "name": ws.name,
-                        href("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, ws.name, format)),
+                        href("%s/workspaces/%s/datastores.%s" % (web.ctx.home, ws.name, format)),
-                        href("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/coveragestores.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, ws.name, format)),
+                        href("%s/workspaces/%s/coveragestores.%s" % (web.ctx.home, ws.name, format)),
                     "wmsStores": "", # TODO
@@ -155,18 +101,18 @@ class workspace(object):
 class datastores(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, format, *args, **kwargs):
-        mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
+    def GET(self, ws_name, format):
+        ws = mra.get_workspace(ws_name)
         return {"dataStores": [{
                     "name": ds_name,
-                    "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s.%s" % (
-                        web.ctx.home, map_name, ws.name, ds_name, format)
+                    "href": "%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s.%s" % (
+                        web.ctx.home, ws.name, ds_name, format)
                     } for ds_name in ws.iter_datastore_names()]
-    def POST(self, map_name, ws_name, format):
-        mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
+    def POST(self, ws_name, format):
+        ws = mra.get_workspace(ws_name)
         data = get_data(name="dataStore", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "connectionParameters"])
         ds_name = data.pop("name")
@@ -175,19 +121,18 @@ class datastores(object):
             ws.create_datastore(ds_name, data)
-        webapp.Created("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s%s" % (
-                web.ctx.home, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, (".%s" % format) if format else ""))
+        webapp.Created("%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s.%s" % (
+                web.ctx.home, ws_name, ds_name, format))
 class datastore(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format):
-        mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
+    def GET(self, ws_name, ds_name, format):
+        ws = mra.get_workspace(ws_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("dataStore", workspace=ws_name):
             info = ws.get_datastore_info(ds_name)
-            print "DS info:", info
-            connectionParameters = info["connectionParameters"]
+        connectionParameters = info.get("connectionParameters", {})
         return {"dataStore": {
                     "name": info["name"],
@@ -195,33 +140,31 @@ class datastore(object):
                     "__default": False, # TODO
                     "workspace": {
                         "name": ws.name,
-                        "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s.%s" % (
-                            web.ctx.home, map_name, ws.name, format),
+                        "href": "%s/workspaces/%s.%s" % (
+                            web.ctx.home, ws.name, format),
-                    "featureTypes": href("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s/featuretypes.%s" % (
-                                        web.ctx.home, map_name, ws.name, ds_name, format)
+                    "featureTypes": href("%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s/featuretypes.%s" % (
+                                        web.ctx.home, ws.name, ds_name, format)
                     "connectionParameters": Entries(connectionParameters, tag_name="entry")
-    def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format):
-        mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
+    def PUT(self, ws_name, ds_name, format):
+        ws = mra.get_workspace(ws_name)
         data = get_data(name="dataStore", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "connectionParameters"])
         if ds_name != data.pop("name"):
             raise webapp.Forbidden("Can't change the name of a data store.")
-        print "Updating with: %s" % data
         with webapp.mightNotFound("dataStore", workspace=ws_name):
             ws.update_datastore(ds_name, data)
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format):
-        mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
+    def DELETE(self, ws_name, ds_name, format):
+        ws = mra.get_workspace(ws_name)
         # We need to check if this datatore is empty.
         assert_is_empty(ws.iter_featuretypemodels(ds_name=ds_name), "datastore", ds_name)
@@ -233,7 +176,7 @@ class datastore(object):
 class featuretypes(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format):
+    def GET(self, ws_name, ds_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         return {"featureTypes": [{
                     "name": ft.name,
@@ -243,7 +186,7 @@ class featuretypes(object):
-    def POST(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, format):
+    def POST(self, ws_name, ds_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         data = get_data(name="featureType", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"])
@@ -253,12 +196,12 @@ class featuretypes(object):
         webapp.Created("%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/datastores/%s/featuretypes/%s%s" % (
-                web.ctx.home, map_name, ws.name, ds_name, data["name"], (".%s" % format) if format else ""))
+                web.ctx.home, map_name, ws.name, ds_name, data["name"], dotformat))
 class featuretype(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format):
+    def GET(self, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         ds = ws.get_datastore(ds_name)
@@ -315,7 +258,7 @@ class featuretype(object):
-    def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format):
+    def PUT(self, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         data = get_data(name="featureType", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"])
@@ -329,7 +272,7 @@ class featuretype(object):
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format):
+    def DELETE(self, ws_name, ds_name, ft_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         # We need to check if there are any layers using this.
@@ -342,7 +285,7 @@ class featuretype(object):
 class coveragestores(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, format):
+    def GET(self, ws_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         return {"coverageStores": [{
@@ -353,7 +296,7 @@ class coveragestores(object):
-    def POST(self, map_name, ws_name, format):
+    def POST(self, ws_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         data = get_data(name="coverageStore", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "connectionParameters"])
@@ -369,7 +312,7 @@ class coveragestores(object):
 class coveragestore(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format):
+    def GET(self, ws_name, cs_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("coverageStore", workspace=ws_name):
@@ -398,7 +341,7 @@ class coveragestore(object):
-    def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format):
+    def PUT(self, ws_name, cs_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         data = get_data(name="coverageStore", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "connectionParameters"])
@@ -410,7 +353,7 @@ class coveragestore(object):
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format):
+    def DELETE(self, ws_name, cs_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         # We need to check if this datatore is empty.
@@ -423,7 +366,7 @@ class coveragestore(object):
 class coverages(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format):
+    def GET(self, ws_name, cs_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         return {"coverages": [{
                     "name": c.name,
@@ -433,7 +376,7 @@ class coverages(object):
-    def POST(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, format):
+    def POST(self, ws_name, cs_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         data = get_data(name="coverage", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"])
@@ -448,7 +391,7 @@ class coverages(object):
 class coverage(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format):
+    def GET(self, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         # with webapp.mightNotFound("coveragestore", workspace=ws_name):
@@ -517,7 +460,7 @@ class coverage(object):
-    def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format):
+    def PUT(self, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         data = get_data(name="coverage", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"])
@@ -532,7 +475,7 @@ class coverage(object):
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format):
+    def DELETE(self, ws_name, cs_name, c_name, format):
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
         # We need to check if there are any layers using this.
@@ -547,7 +490,7 @@ class coverage(object):
 class files(object):
-    def PUT(self, map_name, ws_name, st_type, st_name, f_type, format):
+    def PUT(self, ws_name, st_type, st_name, f_type, format):
         import zipfile
         mf, ws = get_mapfile_workspace(map_name, ws_name)
@@ -615,7 +558,7 @@ class files(object):
 class styles(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, format):
+    def GET(self, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         return {"styles": [{
@@ -625,7 +568,7 @@ class styles(object):
-    def POST(self, map_name, format):
+    def POST(self, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         params = web.input(name=None)
@@ -645,7 +588,7 @@ class styles(object):
 class style(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, s_name, format):
+    def GET(self, s_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         if format == "sld":
@@ -669,7 +612,7 @@ class style(object):
-    def PUT(self, map_name, s_name, format):
+    def PUT(self, s_name, format):
         path = tools.get_style_path(s_name)
@@ -686,7 +629,7 @@ class style(object):
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, s_name, format):
+    def DELETE(self, s_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         # OK check any(class.group == s_name for class in layer.iter_classes)
@@ -710,7 +653,7 @@ class style(object):
 class layers(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, format):
+    def GET(self, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         return {"layers": [{
                     "name": layer.ms.name,
@@ -719,7 +662,7 @@ class layers(object):
-    def POST(self, map_name, format):
+    def POST(self, format):
         data = get_data(name="layer",
                         mandatory=["name", "resource"],
                         authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "resource", "enabled"])
@@ -758,7 +701,7 @@ class layers(object):
 class layer(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, l_name, format):
+    def GET(self, l_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name):
             layer = mf.get_layer(l_name)
@@ -795,7 +738,7 @@ class layer(object):
-    def PUT(self, map_name, l_name, format):
+    def PUT(self, l_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         data = get_data(name="layer", mandatory=["name", "resource"],
@@ -833,7 +776,7 @@ class layer(object):
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, l_name, format):
+    def DELETE(self, l_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name):
@@ -842,7 +785,7 @@ class layer(object):
 class layerstyles(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, l_name, format):
+    def GET(self, l_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name):
             layer = mf.get_layer(l_name)
@@ -857,7 +800,7 @@ class layerstyles(object):
-    def POST(self, map_name, l_name, format):
+    def POST(self, l_name, format):
         data = get_data(name="style", mandatory=["resource"],
                         authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "resource"])
@@ -894,7 +837,7 @@ class layerstyles(object):
 class layerstyle(object):
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, l_name, s_name, format):
+    def DELETE(self, l_name, s_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name):
             layer = mf.get_layer(l_name)
@@ -905,7 +848,7 @@ class layerstyle(object):
 class layerfields(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, l_name, format):
+    def GET(self, l_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name):
             layer = mf.get_layer(l_name)
@@ -919,7 +862,7 @@ class layerfields(object):
 class layergroups(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, format):
+    def GET(self, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         return {"layerGroups" : [{
@@ -929,7 +872,7 @@ class layergroups(object):
-    def POST(self, map_name, format):
+    def POST(self, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         data = get_data(name="layerGroup", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "layers"])
@@ -948,7 +891,7 @@ class layergroups(object):
 class layergroup(object):
-    def GET(self, map_name, lg_name, format):
+    def GET(self, lg_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("layerGroup", mapfile=map_name):
             lg = mf.get_layergroup(lg_name)
@@ -974,7 +917,7 @@ class layergroup(object):
-    def PUT(self, map_name, lg_name, format):
+    def PUT(self, lg_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("layerGroup", mapfile=map_name):
@@ -994,7 +937,7 @@ class layergroup(object):
-    def DELETE(self, map_name, lg_name, format):
+    def DELETE(self, lg_name, format):
         mf = get_mapfile(map_name)
         with webapp.mightNotFound("layerGroup", mapfile=map_name):
@@ -1005,53 +948,52 @@ class layergroup(object):
 # Index:
 urlmap(index, "")
-# Mapfiles:
-urlmap(mapfiles, "maps")
-urlmap(named_mapfile, "maps", ())
 # Workspaces:
-urlmap(workspaces, "maps", (), "workspaces")
-urlmap(workspace, "maps", (), "workspaces", ())
+urlmap(workspaces, "workspaces")
+urlmap(workspace, "workspaces", ())
 # Datastores:
-urlmap(datastores, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "datastores")
-urlmap(datastore, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "datastores", ())
+urlmap(datastores, "workspaces", (), "datastores")
+urlmap(datastore, "workspaces", (), "datastores", ())
 # Featuretypes:
-urlmap(featuretypes, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "datastores", (), "featuretypes")
-urlmap(featuretype, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "datastores", (), "featuretypes", ())
+urlmap(featuretypes, "workspaces", (), "datastores", (), "featuretypes")
+urlmap(featuretype, "workspaces", (), "datastores", (), "featuretypes", ())
 # Coveragestores:
-urlmap(coveragestores, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "coveragestores")
-urlmap(coveragestore, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "coveragestores", ())
+urlmap(coveragestores, "workspaces", (), "coveragestores")
+urlmap(coveragestore, "workspaces", (), "coveragestores", ())
 # Coverages:
-urlmap(coverages, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "coveragestores", (), "coverages")
-urlmap(coverage, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "coveragestores", (), "coverages", ())
+urlmap(coverages, "workspaces", (), "coveragestores", (), "coverages")
+urlmap(coverage, "workspaces", (), "coveragestores", (), "coverages", ())
 # Files:
-urlmap(files, "maps", (), "workspaces", (), "(datastores|coveragestores)", (), "(file|url|external)")
+urlmap(files, "workspaces", (), "(datastores|coveragestores)", (), "(file|url|external)")
 # Styles:
-urlmap(styles, "maps", (), "styles")
-urlmap(style, "maps", (), "styles", ())
+urlmap(styles, "styles")
+urlmap(style, "styles", ())
 # Layers, layer styles and data fields:
-urlmap(layers, "maps", (), "layers")
-urlmap(layer, "maps", (), "layers", ())
-urlmap(layerstyles, "maps", (), "layers", (), "styles")
-urlmap(layerstyle, "maps", (), "layers", (), "styles", ())
-urlmap(layerfields, "maps", (), "layers", (), "fields")
+urlmap(layers, "layers")
+urlmap(layer, "layers", ())
+urlmap(layerstyles, "layers", (), "styles")
+urlmap(layerstyle, "layers", (), "styles", ())
+urlmap(layerfields, "layers", (), "fields")
 # Layergroups:
-urlmap(layergroups, "maps", (), "layergroups")
-urlmap(layergroup, "maps", (), "layergroups", ())
+urlmap(layergroups, "layergroups")
+urlmap(layergroup, "layergroups", ())
 urls = tuple(urlmap)
-web.config.debug = get_config("debug").get("web_debug", False)
-webapp.exceptionManager.raise_all = get_config("debug").get("raise_all", False)
-HTTPCompatible.return_logs = get_config("logging").get("web_logs", False)
-for pdir in get_config("plugins").get("loadpaths", []):
+mra = MRA(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "mra.yaml"))
+web.config.debug = mra.config["debug"].get("web_debug", False)
+webapp.exceptionManager.raise_all = mra.config["debug"].get("raise_all", False)
+HTTPCompatible.return_logs = mra.config["logging"].get("web_logs", False)
+for pdir in mra.config["plugins"].get("loadpaths", []):
 app = web.application(urls, globals())
diff --git a/src/templates/response.html b/src/templates/response.html
index a057d693d5b58c58521e022cb012dd242643b3a9..c600f71ee7690e3abe5bba6c21a2b77fa824c687 100644
--- a/src/templates/response.html
+++ b/src/templates/response.html
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ $def with (base, path, links, code)
     <ul class="breadcrumb">
-      $for name in path[:-1]: <li><a href="$base$('/'.join(path[:loop.index]))">$name</a><span class="divider">/</span></li>
+      <li><a href="$base">mra</a></li>
+      $for name in path[:-1]: <li><a href="$base$('/'.join(path[:loop.index]))">$name </a><span class="divider">/</span></li>
       <li class="active">$path[-1]</li>