diff --git a/src/mra.py b/src/mra.py
index c23690444b5cc940889cdf23b644af66ec8aad6d..5c7bf8c45ef85a8a9ed89abfd3f14345d3370511 100644
--- a/src/mra.py
+++ b/src/mra.py
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
     Module for managing MapFiles in MRA conceptual model.
     It deliberately follows a conceptual model close to GeoServer REST
-    API in order to ensure as much compatibility as possible. And thus 
+    API in order to ensure as much compatibility as possible. And thus
     allows to switch from first to second.
     But, the next should be (will be) more consistent with MapServer
     while maintaining a certain proximity with GeoServer...
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class Mapfile(MetadataMixin):
         self.ms.save(path or self.path)
     def rawtext(self):
-        open(self.path, "r").read() 
+        open(self.path, "r").read()
     # Layers:
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@ class FeatureTypeModel(LayerModel):
         cparam = info["connectionParameters"]
         if cparam.get("dbtype", None) in ["postgis", "postgres", "postgresql"]:
             self.ms.connectiontype = mapscript.MS_POSTGIS
-            connection = "dbname=%s port=%s host=%s " % (cparam["database"], cparam["port"], cparam["host"])
+            connection = "dbname=%s port=%s host=%s " % (cparam.get("database", "postgres"), cparam.get("port", "5432"), cparam.get("host", "localhost"))
             connection += " ".join("%s=%s" % (p, cparam[p]) for p in ["user", "password"] if p in cparam)
             self.ms.connection = connection
-            self.ms.data = "%s FROM %s.%s" % (ds[ft_name].get_geometry_column(), cparam["schema"], ft_name)
+            self.ms.data = '%s FROM %s."%s"' % (ds[ft_name].get_geometry_column(), cparam.get("schema", "public"), ft_name)
             # self.set_metadata("ows_extent", "%s %s %s %s" %
             #     (ft.get_extent().minX(), ft.get_extent().minY(),
             #     ft.get_extent().maxX(), ft.get_extent().maxY()))