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-MapServer Rest API
+# MapServer Rest API
 **MapServer REST API** is a python wrapper around MapServer which allows to
 manipulate a mapfile in a RESTFul way. It has been developped to match as 
 close as possible the way the GeoServer REST API acts.
+## Installation
 See the Mapserver Rest API Documentation for installation instructions.
-Copying and license
+## Copying and license
 **MapServer REST API** is copyright (c) 2011-2013 Neogeo Technologies.
 It is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
\ No newline at end of file
+this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).
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+# How to install MapServer Rest API
+This document describes how to install and configure **MapServer Rest API**.
+## Prerequisites
+**MapServer Rest API** needs the following components:
+* Python with following packages:
+	* **web.py**
+	* **pyyaml**
+	* **nosetests** (Not mandatory but required to run tests)
+* **GDAL/OGR** (>= 1.9.x with **Python** support)
+* **MapServer** (>= 6.x with **MapScript-Python** support)
+## Download
+Get the newest source code by downloading the archive at [download](https://github.com/neogeo-technologies/mra) page.
+Then extract the archive in a directory of your choice.
+Or checkout the Git in some place.
+## Installation
+There is nothing to do more.
+Configure your server, e.g. with **Apache**, just create a virtual directory and the following aliases:
+    WSGIPythonPath /path/to/mra/src/mra
+    WSGIScriptAlias /mra /path/to/mra/src/mra/server.py
+    Alias /static /path/to/mra/static
+    <Directory /home/mra/static>
+        Order deny,allow
+        Allow from all
+    </Directory>
+    AddType text/html .py .js
+    <Directory /home/mra/src/mra>
+        SetHandler wsgi-script
+        Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
+        Order deny,allow
+        Allow from all
+    </Directory>
+You must reload Apache to make the change take effect.
+Check the alias is working: [http://localhost/mra](http://localhost/mra)
+## Settings
+All settings are done in the `mra/src/mra/mra.yaml` file, which should be rather easy to adapt to your configuration. 
+If you have checked out the svn repository, just rename the `mra.yaml.sample` in `mra.yaml`. 
+That way, your own configuration won't be discarded by a further update.
+* **storage**
+	* **root**
+		All default storage paths are relative to mra's root which is described here
+		`root: "/my/full/path/to/mra/root"`
+	However, you can specify specific directories for any of those sub-directories. They will default to `root/sub_directory_name`
+    * **services**
+    * **available**
+    * **resources**
+	* **styles**
+    * **data**
+* **mapserver**
+	* **url**
+		URL that should be used to access your mapserver.
+		`url: ""`
+	* **wms\_version**, **wfs\_version**, **wcs\_version**
+		Default version to use for WMS, WFS and WCS.
+* **debug**
+	* **web\_debug** [`True`|`False`]
+		`web_debug` allows for easy debuging in the the browser, should be deactivated in production.
+	* **raise\_all** [`True`|`False`]
+		Exceptions are transformed into web errors. This can be prevented by setting `raise_all` to `True`.
+* **logging**
+	* **format**
+		Format of the debug log. Here is a typical message:
+		`format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)7s: (%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s) %(message)s"`
+	* **file**
+		Path to the log file, which can be located anywhere on your disk.
+		`file: "./mra.log"`
+	* **level** [`DEBUG`|`INFO`|`WARNING`|`ERROR`]
+		Level of debugging output.
+	* **web\_logs** [`True`|`False`]
+		To add the logs to the generated output of the webapp.
+* **plugins**
+	* **loadpaths**
+		The paths in this lists will be loaded as plugins. 
+		A plugin can be a python package, if that is the case it should define the `__all__` attribute to indicate which modules should be handled as plugins. (An example can be found in `/plugins)
+		    loadpaths: [
+			   "/my/full/path/to/plugins"
+    		]
+Finally check MapServer Rest API is working correctly: [http://localhost/mra](http://localhost/mra)
+## Enjoy!
+You are ready to use **MapServer Rest API**.
+Please now refer to the **MapServer Rest API** Reference documentation.
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-How to install MapServer Rest API
-This document describes how to install and configure **MapServer Rest API**.
-**MapServer Rest API** needs the following components:
-* 	Python with following packages:
-	*	web.py
-	*	pyyaml
-	*	nosetests (Not mandatory but required to run tests)
-*	GDAL/OGR (>= 1.9.x with Python support)
-*	MapServer (>= 6.x with MapScript-Python support)
-Get the newest source code by downloading the archive at `download`_ page.
-Then extract the archive in a directory of your choice. Or checkout the Git in some place.
-.. _download: https://github.com/neogeo-technologies/mra
-There is nothing to do more.
-Configure your server, e.g. with Apache, just create a virtual directory and the following aliases: ::
-	WSGIPythonPath /path/to/mra/src/mra
-	WSGIScriptAlias /mra /path/to/mra/src/mra/server.py
-	Alias /static /path/to/mra/static
-	<Directory /home/mra/static>
-	    Order deny,allow
-	    Allow from all
-	</Directory>
-	AddType text/html .py .js
-	<Directory /home/mra/src/mra>
-	    SetHandler wsgi-script
-	    Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
-	    Order deny,allow
-	    Allow from all
-	</Directory>
-You must reload Apache to make the change take effect.
-Check the alias is working:
-	http://localhost/mra
-All settings are done in the ``mra/src/mra/mra.yaml`` file, which should be rather easy to adapt to your configuration. 
-If you have checked out the svn repository, just rename the ``mra.yaml.sample`` in ``mra.yaml``. 
-That way, your own configuration won't be discarded by a further update.
-*	**storage**
-	*	**mapfiles**
-		Path to the directory containing your mapfiles, which can be located anywhere on your disk. 
-		The MapServerRestAPI will scan this directory recursively to find all the mapfiles.
-		``mapfiles: "/path/to/your/mapfiles/directory"``
-	*	**resources**
-		Path to the directory containing your data, which can be located anywhere on your disk.
-		``resources: "/path/to/your/data/directory"``
-*	**mapserver**
-	*	**url**
-		URL that should be used to access your mapserver.
-		``url: ""``
-	*	**wms_version**, **wfs_version**, **wcs_version**
-		Default version to use for WMS, WFS and WCS.
-*	**debug**
-	*	**web_debug** [True | False]
-		web_debug allows for easy debuging in the the browser, should be deactivated in production.
-	*	**raise_all** [True | False]
-		Exceptions are transformed into web errors.
-		This can be prevented by setting raise_all to True.
-*	**logging**
-	*	**format**
-		Format of the debug log. Here is a typical message:
-		``format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)7s: (%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s) %(message)s"``
-	*	**file**
-		Path to the log file, which can be located anywhere on your disk.
-		``file: "./mra.log"``
-	*	**level** [DEBUG | INFO | WARNING | ERROR]
-		Level of debugging output.
-	*	**web_logs** [False | True]
-		To add the logs to the generated output of the webapp.
-*	**testing**
-	*	**active** [True | False]
-		Additions to the API for testing, should be deactivated in production.
-	*	**model**
-		Mapfile to use to create new test files.
-Finally check MapServer Rest API is working correctly: 
-	http://localhost/mra/maps
-You are ready to use **MapServer Rest API**.
-Please now refer to the **MapServer Rest API** Reference documentation.
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+# MapServer Rest API - Rest Configuration API Reference
+It is in process of writing...
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-MapServer Rest API - Rest Configuration API Reference
-Formats and representations
-The following table defines the ``content-type`` values for each format you can use.
-| Format      | Content-type                                                  |
-| XML         | ``application/xml`` (or ``text/xml``)                         |
-| JSON        | ``application/json``                                          |
-| HTML        | ``text/html``                                                 |
-| SLD         | ``application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml``                               |
-| MAP         | ``text/plain``                                                |
-Status codes
-The following table sets out the main ``status-code`` you can obtain.
-| Status-code | Definition                                                    |
-| 200         | The request was fulfilled                                     |
-| 201         | The request was fulfilled and resulted in a new resource      |
-|             | being created                                                 |
-| 403         | The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill |
-|             | it                                                            |
-| 404         | The server has not found anything matching the URI given      |
-| 405         | The method is not allowed by the server                       |
-| 500         | The server encountered an unexpected condition which          |
-|             | prevented it from fulfilling the request                      |
-| 501         | The server does not support the functionality required to     |
-|             | fulfill the request.                                          |
-See `HTTP specification`_ for more information about status codes.
-.. _HTTP specification: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
-``Maps`` includes all mapfiles.
-The Mapfile is the heart of MapServer. 
-It defines the relationships between objects, points MapServer to where data are located and defines how things are to be drawn.
-See `Mapfile specification`_ for more information about the Mapfile.
-.. _Mapfile specification: http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all mapfiles               | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   | Create a new mapfile            | 201 with    | XML, JSON          |
-|        |                                 | ``location``|                    |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-*	POST for a mapfile already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all mapfiles               | 200         | MAP, XML, JSON,    |
-|        |                                 |             | HTML               |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    | *TODO: Modify mapfile <map>*    |             |                    |
-| DELETE | Delete mapfile <map>            |             |                    |
-*	GET for a mapfile does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	*TODO: PUT that changes name of mapfile: 403 Forbidden*
-*	*TODO: DELETE against a mapfile that is non-empty: 403 Forbidden*
-A workspace is a grouping of data stores and coverage stores.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all workspaces             | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   | *TODO: Create a new workspace*  |             |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-For current version of MapServer Rest API, a ``workspace`` corresponds to a mapfile.
-And so, only one workspace can be available.
-Thus, in order to not confuse the two concepts, the workspace is set to 'default' value.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return default workspace        | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-Data stores
-A ``data store`` is a source of spatial data that is vector based.
-Only the case of PostGIS is currently implemented.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all data stores in         | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-|        | workspace/mapfile <ws>          |             |                    |
-| POST   | Create new data store           | 201 with    | XML, JSON          |
-|        |                                 | ``location``|                    |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-*	POST for a data store already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<ds>`` by the name of datastore available of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return data store <ds>          | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    | Modify data store <ds>          | 200         | XML, JSON          |
-| DELETE | Delete data store <ds>          | 200         |                    |
-*	GET for a data store does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	PUT that changes name of data store: 403 Forbidden
-*	DELETE against a data store that contains configured feature type: 403 Forbidden
-Uploads a file from a local source. The body of the request is the file itself.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<ds>`` by the name of datastore available of your choice.
-The ``<extension>`` parameter specifies the type of data store.
-The following extensions are supported:
-| Extension         | Datastore                                               |
-| shp               | OGR/ESRI Shapefile                                      |
-| Method | Action                   | Return Code | Formats   | Parameters    |
-| GET    |                          | 405         |           |               |
-| POST   |                          | 405         |           |               |
-| PUT    | Uploads files to the     | 200         | See notes | ``configure`` |
-|        | data stores <ds>         |             | below.    | See notes     |
-|        |                          |             |           | below.        |
-| DELETE |                          | 405         |           |               |
-Data stores like Shapefile must be sent as a zip archive.
-When uploading a zip archive the ``Content-type`` should be set to ``application/zip``
-The ``configure`` parameter is used to control how the data store is configured upon file upload.
-It can take one of the below values :
-*	``none`` - Do not configure any feature types. This is the default value
-*	*TODO: ``first`` - Only setup the first feature type available in the data store.*
-*	*TODO: ``all` - Configure all feature types.*
-Feature types
-A ``feature type`` is a data set that originates from a data store.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<ds>`` by the name of datastore available of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all feature types in       | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-|        | selected data store <ds>        |             |                    |
-| POST   | Create a new feature type       | 201 with    | XML, JSON          |
-|        |                                 | ``location``|                    |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-*	GET for a feature type that does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	POST for a feature type already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<ds>`` by the name of datastore available of your choice.
-| Replace ``<ft>`` by the name of feature type available of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return feature type <ft>        | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    | Modify feature type <ft>        | 200         | XML, JSON          |
-| DELETE | Delete feature type <ft>        | 200         |                    |
-*	GET for a feature type does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	PUT that changes name of feature type: 403 Forbidden
-*	DELETE against a feature type which is used by a layer: 403 Forbidden
-Coverage stores
-A ``coverage store`` is a source of spatial data that is raster based.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all coverage stores in     | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-|        | workspace                       |             |                    |
-| POST   | Create new coverage store       | 201 with    | XML, JSON          |
-|        |                                 | ``location``|                    |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-*	POST for a coverage store already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<cs>`` by the name of coverage store available of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return coverage store <cs>      | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    | Modify coverage store <ds>      | 200         | XML, JSON          |
-| DELETE | Delete coverage store <ds>      | 200         |                    |
-*	GET for a coverage store does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	PUT that changes name of coverage store: 403 Forbidden
-*	DELETE against a coverage store that contains configured coverage: 403 Forbidden
-A ``coverage`` is a raster based data set which originates from a coverage store.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<cs>`` by the name of coverage store available of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all coverages in selected  | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-|        | coverages store <cs>            |             |                    |
-| POST   | Create a new coverage           | 201 With    | XML, JSON          |
-|        |                                 | ``Location``|                    |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-*	POST for a coverage already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<ws>`` by the name of your workspace.
-| Replace ``<cs>`` by the name of coverage store available of your choice.
-| Replace ``<c>`` by the name of coverage available of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return coverage <c>             | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    | Create new coverage <c>         | 200         | XML, JSON          |
-| DELETE | Delete coverage <c>             | 200         |                    |
-*	GET for a coverage does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	PUT that changes name of coverage: 403 Forbidden
-*	DELETE against a coverage which is used by a layer: 403 Forbidden
-A ``style`` describes how a resource (feature type or coverage) should be symbolized or rendered by a Web Map Service. 
-Styles are specified with SLD and translated into the mapfile (with CLASS and STYLE blocs) to be applied.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return all styles for map <map> | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   | Create a new style for map      | 201 With    | SLD (see note      |
-|        |                                 | ``Location``| below)             |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| Method | Action                   | Return Code | Formats   | Parameters    |
-| GET    | Return all styles        | 200         |           |               |
-| POST   | Create a new style       | 201 With    | SLD (see  | name (see note|
-|        |                          | ``Location``| note      | below)        |
-|        |                          | header      | below)    |               |
-| PUT    |                          | 405         |           |               |
-| DELETE |                          | 405         |           |               |
-When executing a POST request with an SLD style, the Content-type header should be set to ``application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml``.
-The ``name`` parameter specifies the name to be given to the style.
-*	POST for a style already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<s>`` by the name of the style for layer of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return style <s>                | 200         | SLD, HTML, XML,    |
-|        |                                 |             | JSON               |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    | Modify style <s>                | 200         | SLD (see note      |
-|        |                                 |             | below)             |
-| DELETE | Delete style <s>                | 200         |                    |
-When executing a POST request with an SLD style, the Content-type header should be set to ``application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml``.
-*	GET for a style does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	*TODO: PUT that changes name of style: 403 Forbidden*
-*	*DELETE against a coverage which is used by a layer: 403 Forbidden*
-A ``layer`` is a published resource (feature type or coverage) from a mapfile.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all layers provided by     | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-|        | the mapfile <map>               |             |                    |
-| POST   | Create a layer                  | 201 With    | XML, JSON          |
-|        |                                 | ``Location``|                    |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-*	POST for a layer already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<l>`` by the name of the layer of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return layer <l>                | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    | Modify layer <l>                | 200         | XML, JSON          |
-| DELETE | Delete layer <l>                | 200         |                    |
-*	GET for a layer does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	PUT that changes name of layer: 403 Forbidden
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<l>`` by the name of the layer of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return all styles for layer <l> | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   | Add a new style to layer <l>    | 201 With    | XML, JSON          |
-|        |                                 | ``Location``|                    |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-*	POST for a style already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<l>`` by the name of the layer of your choice.
-| Replace ``<s>`` by the name of the style of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE | Remove style <s> from layer <l> | 200         |                    |
-A ``layergroup`` is a grouping of layers and styles that can be accessed as a single layer in a WMS GetMap request.
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | List all layer groups provided  | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-|        | by the mapfile <map>            |             |                    |
-| POST   | Create a new layer group        | 201 With    | XML, JSON          |
-|        |                                 | ``Location``|                    |
-|        |                                 | header      |                    |
-| PUT    |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| DELETE |                                 | 405         |                    |
-*	POST for a layer group already exist: 409 Conflict
-| Replace ``<map>`` by the name of your mapfile.
-| Replace ``<lg>`` by the name of the layer group of your choice.
-| Replace ``<format>`` by the format extension of your choice.
-| Method | Action                          | Return Code | Formats            |
-| GET    | Return layer group <lg>         | 200         | XML, JSON, HTML    |
-| POST   |                                 | 405         |                    |
-| PUT    | Add layer group <lg>            | 200         | XML, JSON          |
-| DELETE | Delete layer group <lg>         | 200         |                    |
-*	GET for a layer group does not exist: 404 Not Found
-*	PUT that changes name of layer group: 403 Forbidden