diff --git a/docs/mra_reference.md b/docs/mra_reference.md
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--- a/docs/mra_reference.md
+++ b/docs/mra_reference.md
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-# MapServer Rest API - Rest Configuration API Reference
+# MapServer REST API Resources
+This section describes the REST configuration API.
 It is in process of writing...
+Nevertheless, you could refer to the GeoServer Rest API documentation cause MRA was designed to offer compatibility with this model.
+You will also find few _docstrings_ by reading the code, especially the module `server.py` which defines the URL mapping infrastructure and HTTP methods used by the REST API.
+### Workspaces
+A workspace is a grouping of data stores and coverage stores.
+A data store is a source of spatial data that is vector based.
+It can be a file such as a _shapefile_ or a database such as _PostGIS_.
+A data store contains one or more feature types which are vector based spatial resource.
+In cases of a _shapefile_, the feature type is unique and corresponds to the data store.
+In cases of a _PostGIS_ database, feature types corresponds to tables.
+A coverage store is a source of spatial data that is raster based. 
+In current version, it can only be a _GeoTIFF_ file.
+For this format file, the coverage is unique and corresponds to the coverage store.
+Resource | Description
+**GET    workspaces** | Returns a list containing workspaces.
+**POST   workspaces** | Creates a new workspace.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_** | Returns the given workspace.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores** | Returns a list containing data stores in the given workspace.
+**POST   workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores** | Creates  a new data store.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_** | Returns data store _{ds}_.
+**PUT    workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_** | Modifies data store _{ds}_.
+**DELETE workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_** | Deletes data store _{ds}_.
+**PUT    workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/file._{extension}_** | Uploads a vector data file from a local source.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes** | Returns a list containing all feature types in selected data store.
+**POST   workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes** | Creates a new feature type. It creates the associated layer by default.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes/_{ft}_** | Returns feature type _{ft}_.
+**PUT    workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes/_{ft}_** | Modifies feature type  _{ft}_.
+**DELETE workspaces/_{ws}_/datastores/_{ds}_/featuretypes/_{ft}_** | Delete feture type _{ft}_.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores** | Returns a list containing coverage stores in the given workspace.
+**POST   workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragetores** | Creates a new coverage store.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_** | Returns coverage store _{cs}_.
+**PUT    workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_** | Modifies coverage store _{ds}_.
+**DELETE workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_** | Deletes coverage store _{ds}_.
+**PUT    workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/file._{extension}_** | Uploads a raster data file from a local source.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/coverages** | Returns a list containing all coverages in selected coverage store.
+**POST   workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/coverages** | Creates a new coverage. It creates the associated layer by default.
+**GET    workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/coverages/_{c}_** | Returns coverage _{c}_.
+**PUT    workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/coverages/_{c}_** | Modifies coverage _{c}_.
+**DELETE workspaces/_{ws}_/coveragestores/_{cs}_/coverages/_{c}_** | Deletes coverage _{c}_.
+### Styles
+A style describes how a resource (a feature type or a coverage) should be symbolized or rendered by a Web Map Service.
+Styles are specified with SLD.
+Resource | Description
+**GET    styles** | Returns a list containing all SLD styles.
+**POST   styles** | Creates a new SLD style.
+**GET    styles/_{s}_** | Returns style _{s}_.
+**PUT    styles/_{s}_** | Modifies style _{s}_.
+**DELETE styles/_{s}_** | Deletes style _{s}_.
+### Layers
+A layer is a data resource that could be published by a OGC Web Service.
+So a layer is the combination of data (feature type or coverage) plus styling (in case of OGC:WMS).
+Resource | Description
+**GET    layers** | Returns a list containing all layers.
+**POST   layers** | Creates a new layer.
+**GET    layers/_{l}_** | Returns layer _{l}_.
+**PUT    layers/_{l}_** | Modifies layer _{l}_.
+**DELETE layers/_{l}_** | Deletes layer _{l}_.
+**GET    layers/_{l}_/styles** | Returns a list containing all styles associated to layer _{l}_.
+**DELETE layers/_{l}_/styles/_{s}_** | Removes style _{s}_ from layer _{l}_.
+**GET    layers/_{l}_/fields** | Returns a list containing all fields associated to layer _{l}_.
+### Layer groups
+A layergroup is a grouping of layers and styles that can be accessed as a single layer in a OGC:WMS GetMap request.
+Resource | Description
+**GET    layergroups** | Returns a list containing all existing layer groups.
+**POST   layergroups** | Creates a new layer group.
+**GET    layergroups/_{lg}_** | Returns layer group _{lg}_.
+**PUT    layergroups/_{lg}_** | Modifies layer group _{lg}_.
+**DELETE layergroups/_{lg}_** | Delete layer group _{lg}_.
+### OGC Web Services
+Controls the settings of OWS services (available for OGC:WMS, OGC:WFS and OGC:WCS).
+Resource | Description
+**GET    service/[wms,wfs,wcs]/setting** | Returns the status of the main OGC service.
+**PUT    service/[wms,wfs,wcs]/setting** | Enables or disables the main OGC service.
+### Fonts
-Nevertheless, you could refer (in part) to the GeoServer Rest API documentation cause MRA was designed to offer compatibility with this model.
+Configures available fonts.
-You will also find few *docstrings* by reading the code, especially the module `server.py` which defines the URL mapping infrastructure and HTTP methods used by the REST API.
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+Resource | Description
+**GET    fonts** | Returns the list of available fonts.
+**PUT    fonts** | Uploads fonts from a local source.