<template> <div v-if="field && field.field_type === 'char'" :class="{ disabled }" > <label v-if="displayLabels" :for="field.name" :class="{ required: field.is_mandatory }" > {{ field.label }} </label> <input :id="field.name" :value="field.value" type="text" :name="field.name" :required="field.is_mandatory" @blur="updateStore_extra_form" > <ul v-if="field.is_mandatory && error" :id="`errorlist-extra-form-${field.name}`" class="errorlist" > <li> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div> <div v-else-if="field && field.field_type === 'list'" :class="{ disabled }" > <label v-if="displayLabels" :for="field.name" :class="{ required: field.is_mandatory }" > {{ field.label }} </label> <Dropdown :options="field.options" :selected="selected_extra_form_list" :selection.sync="selected_extra_form_list" :required="field.is_mandatory" :search="true" :clearable="true" /> <ul v-if="field.is_mandatory && error" :id="`errorlist-extra-form-${field.name}`" class="errorlist" > <li> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div> <div v-else-if="field && field.field_type === 'pre_recorded_list'" :class="{ disabled }" > <label v-if="displayLabels" :for="field.name" :class="{ required: field.is_mandatory }" > {{ field.label }} </label> <Multiselect v-model="selectedPrerecordedValue" :options=" selectedPrerecordedListValues[field.options[0]] ? selectedPrerecordedListValues[field.options[0]] : [] " :options-limit="10" :allow-empty="!field.is_mandatory" track-by="label" label="label" :reset-after="false" select-label="" selected-label="" deselect-label="" :searchable="true" :placeholder="'Recherchez une valeur de la liste pré-définie ...'" :show-no-results="true" :loading="loadingPrerecordedListValues" :clear-on-select="false" :preserve-search="false" @search-change="search" @select="selectPrerecordedValue" > <template slot="clear"> <div v-if="selectedPrerecordedValue" class="multiselect__clear" @click.prevent.stop="clearPrerecordedValue" > <i class="close icon" aria-hidden="true" /> </div> </template> <span slot="noResult"> Aucun résultat. </span> <span slot="noOptions"> Saisissez les premiers caractères ... </span> </Multiselect> <ul v-if="field.is_mandatory && error" :id="`errorlist-extra-form-${field.name}`" class="errorlist" > <li> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div> <div v-else-if="field && field.field_type === 'multi_choices_list'" :class="{ disabled }" > <label v-if="displayLabels" :for="field.name" :class="{ required: field.is_mandatory }" > {{ field.label }} </label> <div class="checkbox_list"> <div v-for="option in field.options" :key="option" class="ui checkbox" > <input :id="option" type="checkbox" :checked="field.value && field.value.includes(option)" :name="option" @change="selectMultipleCheckbox" > <label :for="option"> {{ option }} </label> </div> </div> <ul v-if="field.is_mandatory && error" :id="`errorlist-extra-form-${field.name}`" class="errorlist" > <li> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div> <div v-else-if="field && field.field_type === 'integer'" :class="{ disabled }" > <label v-if="displayLabels" :for="field.name" :class="{ required: field.is_mandatory }" > {{ field.label }} </label> <div class="ui input"> <!-- //* si click sur fléche dans champ input, pas de focus, donc pas de blur, donc utilisation de @change --> <input :id="field.name" :value="field.value" type="number" :name="field.name" :required="field.is_mandatory" @change="updateStore_extra_form" > </div> <ul v-if="field.is_mandatory && error" :id="`errorlist-extra-form-${field.name}`" class="errorlist" > <li> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div> <div v-else-if="field && field.field_type === 'boolean'" :class="{ disabled }" > <div :class="['ui checkbox', { disabled }]"> <input :id="field.name" type="checkbox" :checked="field.value" :name="field.name" @change="updateStore_extra_form" > <label :for="field.name"> {{ displayLabels ? field.label : '' }} </label> </div> </div> <div v-else-if="field && field.field_type === 'date'" :class="{ disabled }" > <label v-if="displayLabels" :for="field.name" :class="{ required: field.is_mandatory }" > {{ field.label }} </label> <input :id="field.name" :value="field.value" type="date" :name="field.name" :required="field.is_mandatory" @change="updateStore_extra_form" > <ul v-if="field.is_mandatory && error" :id="`errorlist-extra-form-${field.name}`" class="errorlist" > <li> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div> <div v-else-if="field && field.field_type === 'decimal'" :class="{ disabled }" > <label v-if="displayLabels" :for="field.name" :class="{ required: field.is_mandatory }" > {{ field.label }} </label> <div class="ui input"> <input :id="field.name" :value="field.value" type="number" step=".01" :name="field.name" :required="field.is_mandatory" @change="updateStore_extra_form" > </div> <ul v-if="field.is_mandatory && error" :id="`errorlist-extra-form-${field.name}`" class="errorlist" > <li> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div> <div v-else-if="field && field.field_type === 'text'" :class="{ disabled }" > <label v-if="displayLabels" :for="field.name" :class="{ required: field.is_mandatory }" > {{ field.label }} </label> <textarea :value="field.value" :name="field.name" :required="field.is_mandatory" rows="3" @blur="updateStore_extra_form" /> <ul v-if="field.is_mandatory && error" :id="`errorlist-extra-form-${field.name}`" class="errorlist" > <li> {{ error }} </li> </ul> </div> </template> <script> import { mapState, mapActions, mapMutations } from 'vuex'; import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'; import Dropdown from '@/components/Dropdown.vue'; import { isXtraFormActive } from'@/utils'; export default { name: 'FeatureExtraForm', components: { Dropdown, Multiselect }, props: { field: { type: Object, default: null, }, isConditionalField: { type: Boolean, default: false, } }, data() { return { disabled: false, error: null, prerecordedListSearchQuery: null, loadingPrerecordedListValues: false, selectedPrerecordedValue: null, selectedMultipleCheckbox: [], }; }, computed: { ...mapState('feature-type', [ 'selectedPrerecordedListValues' ]), ...mapState('feature', [ 'extra_forms', ]), selected_extra_form_list: { get() { return this.field.value || ''; }, set(newValue) { //* set the value selected in the dropdown if (this.isConditionalField) { this.$emit('update:condition-value', newValue); } else { const newExtraForm = this.field; newExtraForm['value'] = newValue; this.$store.commit('feature/UPDATE_EXTRA_FORM', newExtraForm); } }, }, displayLabels() { return this.$route.name === 'editer-signalement' || this.$route.name === 'ajouter-signalement' || this.$route.name === 'editer-attribut-signalement'; } }, watch: { 'field.value': function(newValue) { if (newValue) { this.error = null; } this.checkDeactivatedValues(); // check when a custom form value changes }, prerecordedListSearchQuery(newValue) { this.loadingPrerecordedListValues = true; this.GET_SELECTED_PRERECORDED_LIST_VALUES({ name: this.field.options[0], pattern: newValue }) .then(() => { this.loadingPrerecordedListValues = false; }) .catch(() => { this.loadingPrerecordedListValues = false; }); } }, created() { if (this.field) { const { field_type, options, value } = this.field; if (field_type === 'pre_recorded_list') { this.loadingPrerecordedListValues = true; this.GET_SELECTED_PRERECORDED_LIST_VALUES({ name: options[0], pattern: '' }) .then(() => { this.loadingPrerecordedListValues = false; }) .catch(() => { this.loadingPrerecordedListValues = false; }); if (value) { this.selectedPrerecordedValue = { label: value.label ? value.label : value }; } } else if (field_type === 'multi_choices_list' && value) { this.selectedMultipleCheckbox = value; } } }, mounted() { this.checkDeactivatedValues(); // check when custom form appears on page // autoset field to false if is a boolean, since user doesn't need to select it, when false value is expected if (this.field.field_type === 'boolean' && (this.field.value === undefined || this.field.value === null)) { this.updateStore_extra_form(false); } this.checkForcedValue(); }, destroyed() { this.checkDeactivatedValues(); // necessary to ensure all imbricated condition would be verified when an extra form is deactivated }, methods: { ...mapActions('feature-type', [ 'GET_SELECTED_PRERECORDED_LIST_VALUES' ]), ...mapMutations('feature', [ 'UPDATE_EXTRA_FORM', 'SET_EXTRA_FORMS', ]), updateStore_extra_form(evt) { if (this.field) { let newValue; if (evt && evt.target) { // if called from the template if (this.field.field_type === 'boolean') { newValue = evt.target.checked; //* if checkbox, use "checked" } else { newValue = evt.target.value; } } else if (this.field.field_type === 'multi_choices_list') { // special case where the value is stored in the state newValue = this.selectedMultipleCheckbox; } else { // if the newValue was sent directly newValue = evt; } //* set the value selected if (this.isConditionalField) { this.$emit('update:condition-value', newValue); } else { this.UPDATE_EXTRA_FORM({ ...this.field, ['value']: newValue }); this.checkDeactivatedValues(); // check when value changed } } }, checkForcedValue() { if (!this.field.forced_value_config || this.$route.name.includes('type-signalement')) return; // loop over each forced value config for this extraForm this.disabled = false; for (const config of this.field.forced_value_config) { // find the extraForm field conditioning the forced value const conditioningField = this.extra_forms.find((xtraForm) => xtraForm.name === config.conditionField); // if found check that its value match the condtionValue if (conditioningField && conditioningField.value === config.conditionValue) { // set this value with the forced value and disable the form field this.updateStore_extra_form(config.forcedValue); this.disabled = true; } } }, checkDeactivatedValues() { if (this.$route.name.includes('type-signalement')) return; // if changes occured, update extra_forms array with freshly checked active customForms let newExtraForms = this.extra_forms.map((xForm) => { // we use 'deactivate' instead of 'activate' because at initialization this property cannot be evaluated ... const isDeactivated = !isXtraFormActive(this.extra_forms, xForm.conditional_field_config); // ... if the component is not created to set this property, thus no extra form would appear at all // toggle value to null to deactivate other fields conditioned by it if (isDeactivated) { xForm['value'] = null; } return { ...xForm, ['isDeactivated']: isDeactivated }; }); this.SET_EXTRA_FORMS(newExtraForms); }, checkForm() { let isValid = true; if (this.field && this.field.is_mandatory && !this.field.value) { isValid = false; this.error = 'Ce champ est obligatoire'; } else { this.error = null; } return isValid; }, search(text) { this.prerecordedListSearchQuery = text; }, selectPrerecordedValue(e) { this.selectedPrerecordedValue = e; this.prerecordedListSearchQuery = null; this.updateStore_extra_form({ target: { value: this.selectedPrerecordedValue } }); }, clearPrerecordedValue() { this.selectedPrerecordedValue = null; this.prerecordedListSearchQuery = null; this.updateStore_extra_form({ target: { value: null } }); }, selectMultipleCheckbox(e) { const { checked, name } = e.target; if (checked) { this.selectedMultipleCheckbox.push(name); } else { this.selectedMultipleCheckbox = this.selectedMultipleCheckbox.filter((el) => el !== name); } this.updateStore_extra_form(); }, }, }; </script> <style lang="less" scoped> label.required:after { content: ' *'; color: rgb(209, 0, 0); } .checkbox_list { display: flex; flex-direction: column; .ui.checkbox { margin: .5rem; font-weight: normal; } } </style> <style> /* keep placeholder width when opening dropdown */ .multiselect { width: 305px; } /* keep font-weight from overide of semantic classes */ .multiselect__placeholder, .multiselect__content, .multiselect__tags { font-weight: initial !important; } /* keep placeholder eigth */ .multiselect .multiselect__placeholder { margin-bottom: 9px !important; padding-top: 1px; } /* keep placeholder height when opening dropdown without selection */ input.multiselect__input { padding: 3px 0 0 0 !important; } /* keep placeholder height when opening dropdown with already a value selected */ .multiselect__tags .multiselect__single { padding: 1px 0 0 0 !important; margin-bottom: 9px; } </style>