import axios from '@/axios-client.js'; import { mapUtil } from '@/assets/js/map-util.js'; // axios.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRFToken'] = (name => { // var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)"); // var value = re.exec(document.cookie); // return (value !== null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null; // })('csrftoken'); const map = { namespaced: true, state: { map: null, basemaps: null, basemapsToDelete: [], features: [], geojsonFeatures: null, availableLayers: null, }, mutations: { SET_MAP(state, payload) { = payload; }, SET_LAYERS(state, availableLayers) { state.availableLayers = availableLayers; }, SET_GEOJSON_FEATURES(state, geojsonFeatures) { state.geojsonFeatures = geojsonFeatures; }, SET_BASEMAPS(state, basemaps) { state.basemaps = basemaps; }, CREATE_BASEMAP(state, id) { state.basemaps = [...state.basemaps, { id, title: '', layers: [], errors: [] }]; }, UPDATE_BASEMAPS(state, basemaps) { state.basemaps = basemaps; }, UPDATE_BASEMAP(state, { title, id, layers, errors }) { const index = state.basemaps.findIndex((el) => === id); if (index !== -1) { state.basemaps[index].title = title; state.basemaps[index].errors = errors; if (layers) { state.basemaps[index].layers = layers; } } }, DELETE_BASEMAP(state, basemapId) { state.basemaps = state.basemaps.filter(el => !== basemapId); state.basemapsToDelete.push(basemapId); }, REMOVE_BASEMAP_ID_TO_DELETE(state, basemapId) { state.basemapsToDelete = state.basemapsToDelete.filter(el => el !== basemapId); }, REPLACE_BASEMAP_LAYERS(state, { basemapId, layers }) { const index = state.basemaps.findIndex((el) => === basemapId); if (index !== -1) { state.basemaps[index].layers = layers; } }, DELETE_BASEMAP_LAYER(state, { basemapId, layerId }) { const index = state.basemaps.findIndex((el) => === basemapId); if (index !== -1) { state.basemaps[index].layers = state.basemaps[index].layers.filter((el) => el.dataKey !== layerId); } }, UPDATE_BASEMAP_LAYER(state, { basemapId, layerId, layer }) { const index = state.basemaps.findIndex((el) => === basemapId); if (index !== -1) { state.basemaps[index].layers = state.basemaps[index] (el) => el.dataKey === layerId ? layer : el ); } }, }, getters: { basemapMaxId: (state) => state.basemaps.reduce((acc, curr) => { if ( > acc) { return; } else { return acc; } }, 0) }, actions: { GET_AVAILABLE_LAYERS({ commit }) { return axios .get(`${this.state.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE}layers/`) .then((response) => (commit('SET_LAYERS', .catch((error) => { throw error; }); }, GET_BASEMAPS({ commit }, project_slug) { return axios .get(`${this.state.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE}base-maps/?project__slug=${project_slug}`) .then((response) => { if (response.status === 200 && { commit('SET_BASEMAPS',; } return response; }) .catch((error) => { throw error; }); }, INITIATE_MAP({ state, rootGetters, commit }, el) { const project = rootGetters.project; let mapDefaultViewCenter = [46, 2]; //; let mapDefaultViewZoom = 5; // defaultMapView.zoom; mapUtil.createMap(el, { mapDefaultViewCenter, mapDefaultViewZoom, }); commit('SET_MAP', mapUtil.getMap()); // Load the layers. // - if one basemap exists, check in the localstorage if one active basemap is set // - if no current active basemap, get the first index // - if not, load the default map and service options // todo : create endpoints to get : 'baseMaps' ,'layers' ,'serviceMap' ,'optionsMap' let layersToLoad = null; if (state.baseMaps && state.baseMaps.length > 0) { // Use active one if exists, otherwise index 0 (first basemap in the list) const mapOptions = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('geocontrib-map-options')) || {}; const basemapIndex = mapOptions && mapOptions[project] && mapOptions[project]['current-basemap-index'] ? mapOptions[project]['current-basemap-index'] : 0; layersToLoad = state.baseMaps[basemapIndex].layers; layersToLoad.forEach((layerToLoad) => { state.availableLayers.forEach((layer) => { if ( === { layerToLoad = Object.assign(layerToLoad, layer); } }); }); layersToLoad.reverse(); } mapUtil.addLayers( layersToLoad, this.state.configuration.DEFAULT_BASE_MAP.SERVICE, this.state.configuration.DEFAULT_BASE_MAP.OPTIONS ); // Remove multiple interactions with the map //mapUtil.getMap().dragging.disable(); mapUtil.getMap().doubleClickZoom.disable(); mapUtil.getMap().scrollWheelZoom.disable(); }, async SAVE_BASEMAPS({ state, rootState, dispatch }, newBasemapIds) { const DJANGO_API_BASE = this.state.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE; function postOrPut(basemap) { basemap['project'] = rootState.project_slug; if (newBasemapIds.includes( { return axios .post(`${DJANGO_API_BASE}base-maps/`, basemap) .then((response) => response) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); return error; }); } else { return axios .put(`${DJANGO_API_BASE}base-maps/${}/`, basemap) .then((response) => response) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); return error; }); } } function deleteBMap(basemapId) { //* delete in the backend the basemaps that was rewoved from the front return dispatch('DELETE_BASEMAP', basemapId) .then((response) => response); } const promisesResult = await Promise.all( [ => postOrPut(basemap)), => deleteBMap(basemapId)) ] ); state.basemapsToDelete = []; return promisesResult; }, DELETE_BASEMAP({ commit }, basemapId) { let url = `${this.state.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE}base-maps/` + basemapId; return axios .delete(url) .then((response) => { if (response && response.status === 204) { commit('REMOVE_BASEMAP_ID_TO_DELETE', basemapId); return response; } }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); return error; }); } }, }; export default map;