diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index a40f1ac863f52abd4e70275af3bf37f063fc9626..9246b35aff41e8e1823ddc5d03b1de3eb68f3fb3 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "geocontrib-frontend",
-  "version": "3.0.1",
+  "version": "3.0.2",
   "private": true,
   "scripts": {
     "serve": "npm run init-proxy & npm run init-serve",
diff --git a/src/App.vue b/src/App.vue
index e69824047105b97d90a13045d55c99e14c1611cc..1407a94c71a83f1ea2eee96d9dab62ba4854296a 100644
--- a/src/App.vue
+++ b/src/App.vue
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
-          <div class="desktop flex push-right-desktop item title">
+          <div class="desktop flex push-right-desktop item title abstract">
               {{ APPLICATION_ABSTRACT }}
@@ -405,7 +405,13 @@ footer {
   z-index: 1001;
-@media screen and (min-width: 560px) {
+@media screen and (max-width: 985px) {
+  .abstract{
+    display: none !important;
+  }
+@media screen and (min-width: 590px) {
   .mobile {
     display: none !important;
@@ -420,7 +426,7 @@ footer {
-@media screen and (max-width: 560px) {
+@media screen and (max-width: 590px) {
   .desktop {
     display: none !important;
diff --git a/src/components/Dropdown.vue b/src/components/Dropdown.vue
index d658cb72f7df541516c86220855f4c620e50d6bc..0fa9ba3d802b323bae63aa1286874cd830e7a27e 100644
--- a/src/components/Dropdown.vue
+++ b/src/components/Dropdown.vue
@@ -125,11 +125,10 @@ export default {
   methods: {
     toggleDropdown(val) {
-      if (this.isOpen) {
-        this.input = ''; // * clear input field when closing dropdown
-      } else if (this.search) {
-        //* focus on input if is a search dropdown
-        this.$refs.input.focus({
+      if (this.isOpen) { //* if dropdown is open :
+        this.input = ''; // * -> clear input field when closing dropdown
+      } else if (this.search) { //* if dropdown is closed is a search dropdown:
+        this.$refs.input.focus({ //*  -> focus on input field
           preventScroll: true,
       } else if (this.clearable && val.target && this.selected) {
@@ -172,8 +171,9 @@ export default {
     clickOutsideDropdown(e) {
-      if (!e.target.closest(`#custom-dropdown${this.identifier}`))
+      if (!e.target.closest(`#custom-dropdown${this.identifier}`) && this.isOpen) {
+      }
diff --git a/src/service-worker.js b/src/service-worker.js
index 7dd25fb94ea383cea55ef57465533c7422199f08..ae6b3aff91d2052812dc4111ff512321d3b33870 100644
--- a/src/service-worker.js
+++ b/src/service-worker.js
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ if (workbox) {
-    /^https:\/\/osm\.geo2france\.fr\/mapcache/,
+    new RegExp('.*/service=WMS&request=GetMap/.*'),
     new workbox.strategies.CacheFirst({
-      cacheName: 'mapcache',
+      cacheName: 'wms',
       plugins: [
         new workbox.cacheableResponse.Plugin({
           statuses: [0, 200],
diff --git a/src/store/modules/feature.store.js b/src/store/modules/feature.store.js
index 2a277dfd2aadc5ed78cbb27cf8fed02d9e0947b4..b9c90db26448e691b5777cad211d1e6b48458a36 100644
--- a/src/store/modules/feature.store.js
+++ b/src/store/modules/feature.store.js
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ const feature = {
       const cancelToken = axios.CancelToken.source();
       commit('SET_CANCELLABLE_SEARCH_REQUEST', cancelToken, { root: true });
-      commit('SET_CURRENT_FEATURE', null);
+      //commit('SET_CURRENT_FEATURE', null); //? Est-ce que c'est nécessaire ? -> fait sauter l'affichage au clic sur un signalement lié (feature_detail)
       let url = `${rootState.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE}projects/${project_slug}/feature/?id=${feature_id}`;
       return axios
         .get(url, { cancelToken: cancelToken.token })
diff --git a/src/views/feature/Feature_detail.vue b/src/views/feature/Feature_detail.vue
index e098b85c6bbfaae547ab7380e98e3ffce7cfe2cd..b081f3145bbdfd587c5b0c433fb60e59c02fa407 100644
--- a/src/views/feature/Feature_detail.vue
+++ b/src/views/feature/Feature_detail.vue
@@ -1,257 +1,245 @@
   <div v-frag>
-    <div
-      v-if="feature"
-      v-frag
-    >
-      <div class="row">
-        <div class="fourteen wide column">
-          <h1 class="ui header">
-            <div class="content">
-              {{ feature.title || feature.feature_id }}
-              <div class="ui icon right floated compact buttons">
-                <router-link
-                  v-if="permissions && permissions.can_create_feature"
-                  :to="{
-                    name: 'ajouter-signalement',
-                    params: {
-                      slug_type_signal: $route.params.slug_type_signal,
-                    },
-                  }"
-                  class="ui button button-hover-orange"
-                  data-tooltip="Ajouter un signalement"
-                  data-position="bottom left"
-                >
-                  <i class="plus fitted icon" />
-                </router-link>
-                <router-link
-                  v-if="
-                    (permissions && permissions.can_update_feature) ||
-                      isFeatureCreator ||
-                      isModerator
-                  "
-                  :to="{
-                    name: 'editer-signalement',
-                    params: {
-                      slug_signal: $route.params.slug_signal,
-                      slug_type_signal: $route.params.slug_type_signal,
-                    },
-                  }"
-                  class="ui button button-hover-orange"
-                >
-                  <i class="inverted grey pencil alternate icon" />
-                </router-link>
-                <a
-                  v-if="((permissions && permissions.can_update_feature) || isFeatureCreator) && isOnline"
-                  id="feature-delete"
-                  class="ui button button-hover-red"
-                  @click="isCanceling = true"
-                >
-                  <i class="inverted grey trash alternate icon" />
-                </a>
-              </div>
-              <div class="ui hidden divider" />
-              <div class="sub header prewrap">
-                {{ feature.description }}
-              </div>
+    <div class="row">
+      <div class="fourteen wide column">
+        <h1 class="ui header">
+          <div
+            v-if="feature"
+            class="content"
+          >
+            {{ feature.title || feature.feature_id }}
+            <div class="ui icon right floated compact buttons">
+              <router-link
+                v-if="permissions && permissions.can_create_feature"
+                :to="{
+                  name: 'ajouter-signalement',
+                  params: {
+                    slug_type_signal: $route.params.slug_type_signal,
+                  },
+                }"
+                class="ui button button-hover-orange"
+                data-tooltip="Ajouter un signalement"
+                data-position="bottom left"
+              >
+                <i class="plus fitted icon" />
+              </router-link>
+              <router-link
+                v-if="
+                  (permissions && permissions.can_update_feature) ||
+                    isFeatureCreator ||
+                    isModerator
+                "
+                :to="{
+                  name: 'editer-signalement',
+                  params: {
+                    slug_signal: $route.params.slug_signal,
+                    slug_type_signal: $route.params.slug_type_signal,
+                  },
+                }"
+                class="ui button button-hover-orange"
+              >
+                <i class="inverted grey pencil alternate icon" />
+              </router-link>
+              <a
+                v-if="((permissions && permissions.can_update_feature) || isFeatureCreator) && isOnline"
+                id="feature-delete"
+                class="ui button button-hover-red"
+                @click="isCanceling = true"
+              >
+                <i class="inverted grey trash alternate icon" />
+              </a>
-          </h1>
-        </div>
+            <div class="ui hidden divider" />
+            <div class="sub header prewrap">
+              {{ feature.description }}
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </h1>
+    </div>
-      <div class="row">
-        <div class="seven wide column">
-          <table class="ui very basic table">
-            <tbody>
-              <div
-                v-for="(field, index) in feature.feature_data"
-                :key="'field' + index"
-                v-frag
-              >
-                <tr v-if="field">
-                  <td>
-                    <b>{{ field.label }}</b>
-                  </td>
-                  <td>
-                    <b>
-                      <i
-                        v-if="field.field_type === 'boolean'"
-                        :class="[
-                          'icon',
-                          field.value ? 'olive check' : 'grey times',
-                        ]"
-                      />
-                      <span v-else>
-                        {{ field.value }}
-                      </span>
-                    </b>
-                  </td>
-                </tr>
-              </div>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Auteur</td>
-                <td>{{ feature.display_creator }}</td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Statut</td>
+    <div v-if="!feature && !loader.isLoading">
+      Pas de signalement correspondant trouvé
+    </div>
+    <div class="row">
+      <div class="seven wide column">
+        <table
+          v-if="feature"
+          class="ui very basic table"
+        >
+          <tbody>
+            <div
+              v-for="(field, index) in feature.feature_data"
+              :key="'field' + index"
+              v-frag
+            >
+              <tr v-if="field">
-                  <i
-                    v-if="feature.status"
-                    :class="['icon', statusIcon]"
-                  />
-                  {{ statusLabel }}
+                  <b>{{ field.label }}</b>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Date de création</td>
-                <td v-if="feature.created_on">
-                  {{ feature.created_on | formatDate }}
-                </td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Date de dernière modification</td>
-                <td v-if="feature.updated_on">
-                  {{ feature.updated_on | formatDate }}
-                </td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>
-          <h3>Liaison entre signalements</h3>
-          <table class="ui very basic table">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr
-                v-for="(link, index) in linked_features"
-                :key="link.feature_to.title + index"
-              >
-                <td v-if="link.feature_to.feature_type_slug">
-                  {{ link.relation_type_display }}
-                  <a @click="pushNgo(link)">{{ link.feature_to.title }} </a>
-                  ({{ link.feature_to.display_creator }} -
-                  {{ link.feature_to.created_on }})
+                <td>
+                  <b>
+                    <i
+                      v-if="field.field_type === 'boolean'"
+                      :class="[
+                        'icon',
+                        field.value ? 'olive check' : 'grey times',
+                      ]"
+                    />
+                    <span v-else>
+                      {{ field.value }}
+                    </span>
+                  </b>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>
-        </div>
+            </div>
+            <tr>
+              <td>Auteur</td>
+              <td>{{ feature.display_creator }}</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>Statut</td>
+              <td>
+                <i
+                  v-if="feature.status"
+                  :class="['icon', statusIcon]"
+                />
+                {{ statusLabel }}
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>Date de création</td>
+              <td v-if="feature.created_on">
+                {{ feature.created_on | formatDate }}
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>Date de dernière modification</td>
+              <td v-if="feature.updated_on">
+                {{ feature.updated_on | formatDate }}
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+        <h3 v-if="feature">
+          Liaison entre signalements
+        </h3>
+        <table
+          v-if="feature"
+          class="ui very basic table"
+        >
+          <tbody>
+            <tr
+              v-for="(link, index) in linked_features"
+              :key="link.feature_to.title + index"
+            >
+              <td v-if="link.feature_to.feature_type_slug">
+                {{ link.relation_type_display }}
+                <a
+                  class="pointer"
+                  @click="pushNgo(link)"
+                >{{ link.feature_to.title }} </a>
+                ({{ link.feature_to.display_creator }} -
+                {{ link.feature_to.created_on }})
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+      </div>
-        <div class="seven wide column">
-          <div
-            id="map"
-            ref="map"
-          />
-        </div>
+      <div class="seven wide column">
+        <div
+          id="map"
+          ref="map"
+        />
+    </div>
-      <div class="row">
-        <div class="seven wide column">
-          <h2 class="ui header">
-            Pièces jointes
-          </h2>
+    <div
+      v-if="feature"
+      class="row"
+    >
+      <div
+        class="seven wide column"
+      >
+        <h2 class="ui header">
+          Pièces jointes
+        </h2>
-          <div
-            v-for="pj in attachments"
-            :key="pj.id"
-            class="ui divided items"
-          >
-            <div class="item">
+        <div
+          v-for="pj in attachments"
+          :key="pj.id"
+          class="ui divided items"
+        >
+          <div class="item">
+            <a
+              class="ui tiny image"
+              target="_blank"
+              :href="pj.attachment_file"
+            >
+              <img
+                :src="
+                  pj.extension === '.pdf'
+                    ? require('@/assets/img/pdf.png')
+                    : pj.attachment_file
+                "
+              >
+            </a>
+            <div class="middle aligned content">
-                class="ui tiny image"
+                class="header"
-              >
-                <img
-                  :src="
-                    pj.extension === '.pdf'
-                      ? require('@/assets/img/pdf.png')
-                      : pj.attachment_file
-                  "
-                >
-              </a>
-              <div class="middle aligned content">
-                <a
-                  class="header"
-                  target="_blank"
-                  :href="pj.attachment_file"
-                >{{
-                  pj.title
-                }}</a>
-                <div class="description">
-                  {{ pj.info }}
-                </div>
+              >{{
+                pj.title
+              }}</a>
+              <div class="description">
+                {{ pj.info }}
-          <i
-            v-if="attachments.length === 0"
-          >Aucune pièce jointe associée au signalement.</i>
+        <i
+          v-if="attachments.length === 0"
+        >Aucune pièce jointe associée au signalement.</i>
+      </div>
-        <div class="seven wide column">
-          <h2 class="ui header">
-            Activité et commentaires
-          </h2>
+      <div class="seven wide column">
+        <h2 class="ui header">
+          Activité et commentaires
+        </h2>
+        <div
+          id="feed-event"
+          class="ui feed"
+        >
-            id="feed-event"
-            class="ui feed"
+            v-for="(event, index) in events"
+            :key="'event' + index"
+            v-frag
-              v-for="(event, index) in events"
-              :key="'event' + index"
+              v-if="event.event_type === 'create'"
-                v-if="event.event_type === 'create'"
-                v-frag
+                v-if="event.object_type === 'feature'"
+                class="event"
-                <div
-                  v-if="event.object_type === 'feature'"
-                  class="event"
-                >
-                  <div class="content">
-                    <div class="summary">
-                      <div class="date">
-                        {{ event.created_on }}
-                      </div>
-                      Création du signalement
-                      <span v-if="user">par {{ event.display_user }}</span>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-                <div
-                  v-else-if="event.object_type === 'comment'"
-                  class="event"
-                >
-                  <div class="content">
-                    <div class="summary">
-                      <div class="date">
-                        {{ event.created_on }}
-                      </div>
-                      Commentaire
-                      <span v-if="user">par {{ event.display_user }}</span>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="extra text">
-                      {{ event.related_comment.comment }}
-                      <div
-                        v-if="event.related_comment.attachment"
-                        v-frag
-                      >
-                        <br><a
-                          :href="
-                            DJANGO_BASE_URL +
-                              event.related_comment.attachment.url
-                          "
-                          target="_blank"
-                        ><i class="paperclip fitted icon" />
-                          {{ event.related_comment.attachment.title }}</a>
-                      </div>
+                <div class="content">
+                  <div class="summary">
+                    <div class="date">
+                      {{ event.created_on }}
+                    Création du signalement
+                    <span v-if="user">par {{ event.display_user }}</span>
-                v-else-if="event.event_type === 'update'"
+                v-else-if="event.object_type === 'comment'"
                 <div class="content">
@@ -259,136 +247,160 @@
                     <div class="date">
                       {{ event.created_on }}
-                    Signalement mis à jour
+                    Commentaire
                     <span v-if="user">par {{ event.display_user }}</span>
+                  <div class="extra text">
+                    {{ event.related_comment.comment }}
+                    <div
+                      v-if="event.related_comment.attachment"
+                      v-frag
+                    >
+                      <br><a
+                        :href="
+                          DJANGO_BASE_URL +
+                            event.related_comment.attachment.url
+                        "
+                        target="_blank"
+                      ><i class="paperclip fitted icon" />
+                        {{ event.related_comment.attachment.title }}</a>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
-          </div>
-          <div
-            v-if="permissions && permissions.can_create_feature && isOnline"
-            class="ui segment"
-          >
-            <form
-              id="form-comment"
-              class="ui form"
+            <div
+              v-else-if="event.event_type === 'update'"
+              class="event"
-              <div class="required field">
-                <label
-                  :for="comment_form.comment.id_for_label"
-                >Ajouter un commentaire</label>
-                <ul
-                  v-if="comment_form.comment.errors"
-                  class="errorlist"
-                >
-                  <li>
-                    {{ comment_form.comment.errors }}
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-                <textarea
-                  v-model="comment_form.comment.value"
-                  :name="comment_form.comment.html_name"
-                  rows="2"
-                />
-              </div>
-              <label>Pièce jointe (facultative)</label>
-              <div class="two fields">
-                <div class="field">
-                  <label
-                    class="ui icon button"
-                    for="attachment_file"
-                  >
-                    <i class="paperclip icon" />
-                    <span class="label">{{
-                      comment_form.attachment_file.value
-                        ? comment_form.attachment_file.value
-                        : "Sélectionner un fichier ..."
-                    }}</span>
-                  </label>
-                  <input
-                    id="attachment_file"
-                    type="file"
-                    accept="application/pdf, image/jpeg, image/png"
-                    style="display: none"
-                    name="attachment_file"
-                    @change="onFileChange"
-                  >
-                </div>
-                <div class="field">
-                  <input
-                    id="title"
-                    v-model="comment_form.attachment_file.title"
-                    type="text"
-                    name="title"
-                  >
-                  {{ comment_form.attachment_file.errors }}
+              <div class="content">
+                <div class="summary">
+                  <div class="date">
+                    {{ event.created_on }}
+                  </div>
+                  Signalement mis à jour
+                  <span v-if="user">par {{ event.display_user }}</span>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div
+          v-if="permissions && permissions.can_create_feature && isOnline"
+          class="ui segment"
+        >
+          <form
+            id="form-comment"
+            class="ui form"
+          >
+            <div class="required field">
+              <label
+                :for="comment_form.comment.id_for_label"
+              >Ajouter un commentaire</label>
-                v-if="comment_form.attachment_file.errors"
+                v-if="comment_form.comment.errors"
-                  {{ comment_form.attachment_file.errors }}
+                  {{ comment_form.comment.errors }}
-              <button
-                type="button"
-                class="ui compact green icon button"
-                @click="postComment"
-              >
-                <i class="plus icon" /> Poster le commentaire
-              </button>
-            </form>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div
-        v-if="isCanceling"
-        class="ui dimmer modals page transition visible active"
-        style="display: flex !important"
-      >
-        <div
-          :class="[
-            'ui mini modal subscription',
-            { 'active visible': isCanceling },
-          ]"
-        >
-          <i
-            class="close icon"
-            @click="isCanceling = false"
-          />
-          <div class="ui icon header">
-            <i class="trash alternate icon" />
-            Supprimer le signalement
-          </div>
-          <div class="actions">
+              <textarea
+                v-model="comment_form.comment.value"
+                :name="comment_form.comment.html_name"
+                rows="2"
+              />
+            </div>
+            <label>Pièce jointe (facultative)</label>
+            <div class="two fields">
+              <div class="field">
+                <label
+                  class="ui icon button"
+                  for="attachment_file"
+                >
+                  <i class="paperclip icon" />
+                  <span class="label">{{
+                    comment_form.attachment_file.value
+                      ? comment_form.attachment_file.value
+                      : "Sélectionner un fichier ..."
+                  }}</span>
+                </label>
+                <input
+                  id="attachment_file"
+                  type="file"
+                  accept="application/pdf, image/jpeg, image/png"
+                  style="display: none"
+                  name="attachment_file"
+                  @change="onFileChange"
+                >
+              </div>
+              <div class="field">
+                <input
+                  id="title"
+                  v-model="comment_form.attachment_file.title"
+                  type="text"
+                  name="title"
+                >
+                {{ comment_form.attachment_file.errors }}
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <ul
+              v-if="comment_form.attachment_file.errors"
+              class="errorlist"
+            >
+              <li>
+                {{ comment_form.attachment_file.errors }}
+              </li>
+            </ul>
-              class="ui red compact fluid button"
-              @click="deleteFeature"
+              class="ui compact green icon button"
+              @click="postComment"
-              Confirmer la suppression
+              <i class="plus icon" /> Poster le commentaire
-          </div>
+          </form>
-      v-else
-      v-frag
+      v-if="isCanceling"
+      class="ui dimmer modals page transition visible active"
+      style="display: flex !important"
-      Pas de signalement correspondant trouvé
+      <div
+        :class="[
+          'ui mini modal subscription',
+          { 'active visible': isCanceling },
+        ]"
+      >
+        <i
+          class="close icon"
+          @click="isCanceling = false"
+        />
+        <div class="ui icon header">
+          <i class="trash alternate icon" />
+          Supprimer le signalement
+        </div>
+        <div class="actions">
+          <button
+            type="button"
+            class="ui red compact fluid button"
+            @click="deleteFeature"
+          >
+            Confirmer la suppression
+          </button>
+        </div>
+      </div>
 import frag from 'vue-frag';
-import { mapGetters, mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex';
+import { mapGetters, mapState, mapActions, mapMutations } from 'vuex';
 import { formatStringDate } from '@/utils';
 import { mapUtil } from '@/assets/js/map-util.js';
 import featureAPI from '@/services/feature-api';
@@ -435,6 +447,7 @@ export default {
+      'loader',
     ...mapState('projects', [
@@ -442,19 +455,15 @@ export default {
-    ...mapState('feature', [
-      'linked_features',
-      'statusChoices'
-    ]),
+    ...mapState('feature', {
+      linked_features: 'linked_features',
+      statusChoices: 'statusChoices',
+      feature: 'current_feature',
+    }),
       return this.$store.state.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_BASE;
-    feature() {
-      const result = this.$store.state.feature.current_feature;
-      return result;
-    },
     isFeatureCreator() {
       if (this.feature && this.user) {
         return this.feature.creator === this.user.id;
@@ -503,33 +512,34 @@ export default {
   mounted() {
-    this.$store.commit('DISPLAY_LOADER', 'Recherche du signalement');
+    this.DISPLAY_LOADER('Recherche du signalement');
     if (!this.project) {
       // Chargements des features et infos projet en cas d'arrivée directe sur la page ou de refresh
-        this.$store
-          .dispatch('projects/GET_PROJECT', this.$route.params.slug),
-        this.$store
-          .dispatch('projects/GET_PROJECT_INFO', this.$route.params.slug),
-        this.$store.dispatch('feature/GET_PROJECT_FEATURE', {
+        this.GET_PROJECT(this.$route.params.slug),
+        this.GET_PROJECT_INFO(this.$route.params.slug),
+        this.GET_PROJECT_FEATURE({
           project_slug: this.$route.params.slug,
           feature_id: this.$route.params.slug_signal
         .then(() => {
-          this.$store.commit('DISCARD_LOADER');
+          this.DISCARD_LOADER();
-        });
-    } if (!this.feature || this.feature.feature_id !== this.$route.params.slug_signal) {
-      this.$store.dispatch('feature/GET_PROJECT_FEATURE', {
+        })
+        .catch(() => this.DISCARD_LOADER());
+    } else if (!this.feature || this.feature.feature_id !== this.$route.params.slug_signal) {
         project_slug: this.$route.params.slug,
         feature_id: this.$route.params.slug_signal
         .then(() => {
-          this.$store.commit('DISCARD_LOADER');
+          this.DISCARD_LOADER();
-        });
+        })
+        .catch(() => this.DISCARD_LOADER());
     } else {
-      this.$store.commit('DISCARD_LOADER');
+      this.DISCARD_LOADER();
@@ -539,11 +549,21 @@ export default {
   methods: {
+    ...mapMutations([
+    ]),
+    ...mapActions('projects', [
+      'GET_PROJECT',
+    ]),
     ...mapActions('feature', [
     pushNgo(link) {
+      this.DISPLAY_LOADER('Recherche du signalement');
         name: 'details-signalement',
         params: {
@@ -551,10 +571,18 @@ export default {
           slug_signal: link.feature_to.feature_id,
+        project_slug: this.$route.params.slug,
+        feature_id: this.$route.params.slug_signal,
+      })
+        .then(()=> {
+          this.addFeatureToMap();
+          this.DISCARD_LOADER();
+        })
+        .catch(() => this.DISCARD_LOADER());
-      this.addFeatureToMap();
     validateForm() {
@@ -749,13 +777,15 @@ export default {
     getFeatureEvents() {
-        .then((data) => (this.events = data));
+        .then((data) => (this.events = data))
+        .catch((err)=> console.error(err));
     getFeatureAttachments() {
-        .then((data) => (this.attachments = data));
+        .then((data) => (this.attachments = data))
+        .catch((err)=> console.error(err));
     getLinkedFeatures() {
@@ -763,7 +793,8 @@ export default {
         .then((data) =>
           this.$store.commit('feature/SET_LINKED_FEATURES', data)
-        );
+        )
+        .catch((err)=> console.error(err));
diff --git a/src/views/project/Project_detail.vue b/src/views/project/Project_detail.vue
index 5d3dc7aee03d414b7e0e976519cfad9156f43717..297b52ab9d989e025e210c11b583492fdf12b0ef 100644
--- a/src/views/project/Project_detail.vue
+++ b/src/views/project/Project_detail.vue
@@ -590,8 +590,8 @@
             <h3 class="ui header">
               Paramètres du projet
-            <div class="ui five stackable cards">
-              <div class="card">
+            <div class="ui three stackable cards">
+              <!-- <div class="card">
                 <div class="center aligned content">
                   <h4 class="ui center aligned icon header">
                     <i class="disabled grey archive icon" />
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
                 <div class="center aligned extra content">
                   {{ project.delete_feature }} jours
-              </div>
+              </div> -->
               <div class="card">
                 <div class="content">
                   <h4 class="ui center aligned icon header">
diff --git a/src/views/project/Project_edit.vue b/src/views/project/Project_edit.vue
index c7f277cacdb7253f51c29a61414a1ed975b6c453..b4b47d64cffd39c8685d8585a8c89e1c2fe6542a 100644
--- a/src/views/project/Project_edit.vue
+++ b/src/views/project/Project_edit.vue
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
-      <div class="four fields">
-        <div class="field">
+      <div class="two fields">
+        <!-- <div class="field">
           <label for="archive_feature">Délai avant archivage</label>
           <div class="ui right labeled input">
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
-        </div>
+        </div> -->
         <div class="required field">