diff --git a/src/components/Feature/Edit/FeatureExtraForm.vue b/src/components/Feature/Edit/FeatureExtraForm.vue
index bf5f514db22c0161868453759a3020c57760fc6c..e6ce1e41ac2de211ff9c6e4153f9ae4f2c2fda6c 100644
--- a/src/components/Feature/Edit/FeatureExtraForm.vue
+++ b/src/components/Feature/Edit/FeatureExtraForm.vue
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@
 import { mapState, mapActions, mapMutations } from 'vuex';
 import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect';
-import { isEqual } from 'lodash';
 import Dropdown from '@/components/Dropdown.vue';
@@ -223,25 +222,31 @@ export default {
   watch: {
+    /**
+     * Watches for changes in the 'field.value' and updates the form state accordingly.
+     * This watcher handles specific field types, ensuring their values are correctly initialized
+     * and updated in scenarios like fast edition mode where certain values might not be auto-refreshed.
+     *
+     * @param {*} newValue - The new value of the field.
+     * @param {*} oldValue - The previous value of the field before the change.
+     */
     'field.value': function(newValue, oldValue) {
-      // In fast edition, prerecordedlist is not updated, thus the value stay the same
-      // in this case we renitialize the field. This doesn't impact usual behavior if user reselect the same option
+      // Check if the field object exists.
       if (this.field) {
+        // Handle pre-recorded list fields specifically.
         if (this.field.field_type === 'pre_recorded_list') {
-          // if both values are defined but their values changed, value in form should be updated
-          if (newValue && oldValue && (newValue.label !== oldValue.label || newValue !== oldValue) // prevent case of having a label or directly the value
-          // if any of them is undefined, the form value should be updated, because in this case the value changed
-          // otherwise (if they are both undefined) the watcher would not called, thus we don't need to prevent this case
-          || !newValue || !oldValue)
-          {
-            this.initPrerecordedXform();
+          // Update the form value if both new and old values are defined and different,
+          // or if either value is undefined, indicating a change.
+          if ((newValue && oldValue && (newValue.label !== oldValue.label || newValue !== oldValue))
+              || !newValue || !oldValue) {
+            this.initPrerecordedXform(); // Reinitialize the field to reflect the updated value.
         } else if (this.field.field_type === 'multi_choices_list') {
-          // if array values changed, value in form should be updated, otherwise at edition in fast browsing mode, it would overide current value with previous value loaded at component creation
-          if (isEqual(newValue, oldValue)) {
-            this.initMultipleCheckboxXform();
-          }
+          // For multi-choice lists, reinitialize the field if the array values have changed.
+          // This is crucial in fast edition modes to prevent overriding the current value with a stale value.
+          this.initMultipleCheckboxXform();
+        // Reset any error states for the field.
         this.error = null;
@@ -310,26 +315,39 @@ export default {
         this.selectedPrerecordedValue = null;
-    updateStore_extra_form(evt) {
+    /**
+     * Updates the Vuex store or component state with the new value for a form field.
+     * This function handles different types of form fields including boolean, multi-choice lists, and others.
+     * 
+     * @param {Event|*} val - The new value or an event object.
+     */
+    updateStore_extra_form(val) {
+      // Check if the field object is defined.
       if (this.field) {
         let newValue;
-        if (evt && evt.target) { // if called from the template
+        // If the function is triggered by an event from a template input.
+        if (val && val.target) {
+          // For boolean fields (like checkboxes), use the 'checked' property.
           if (this.field.field_type === 'boolean') {
-            newValue = evt.target.checked; //* if checkbox, use "checked"
+            newValue = val.target.checked;
           } else {
-            newValue = evt.target.value;
+            // For other input types, use the 'value' property.
+            newValue = val.target.value;
-        } else if (this.field.field_type === 'multi_choices_list') { // special case where the value is stored in the state
+        } else if (this.field.field_type === 'multi_choices_list') {
+          // For multi-choice lists, the value is stored in component state.
           newValue = this.selectedMultipleCheckbox;
-        } else { // if the newValue was sent directly
-          newValue = evt;
+        } else {
+          // If the function is called directly with a value (not from an event).
+          newValue = val;
-        //* set the value selected
+        // Set the new value for the field.
         if (this.useValueOnly) {
+          // If the component is used to update directly a returned value, emit an event with the new value.
           this.$emit('update:value', newValue);
         } else {
-          this.UPDATE_EXTRA_FORM({ ...this.field, ['value']: newValue });
+          // Otherwise, update the Vuex store with the new value for the extra form field.
+          this.UPDATE_EXTRA_FORM({ ...this.field, value: newValue });
@@ -361,15 +379,30 @@ export default {
       this.updateStore_extra_form({ target: { value:  null } });
+    /**
+     * Handles the selection and deselection of checkboxes in a form.
+     * This function updates an array to track the selected checkboxes by their names.
+     * It's typically called on the change event of each checkbox.
+     * 
+     * @param {Event} e - The event object from the checkbox input.
+     */
     selectMultipleCheckbox(e) {
+      // Destructure the 'checked' status and 'name' of the checkbox from the event target.
       const { checked, name } = e.target;
+      // If the checkbox is checked, add its name to the array of selected checkboxes.
+      // Cloning the array to allow unsaved changes detection (it wasn't working with Array.push)
       if (checked) {
-        this.selectedMultipleCheckbox.push(name);
+        this.selectedMultipleCheckbox = [...this.selectedMultipleCheckbox, name];
       } else {
+        // If the checkbox is unchecked, remove its name from the array.
         this.selectedMultipleCheckbox = this.selectedMultipleCheckbox.filter((el) => el !== name);
+      // Call a method to update the Vuex store or component state with the latest selection.
diff --git a/src/store/modules/feature.store.js b/src/store/modules/feature.store.js
index 910ed900bc70754fff43b3f40b7164566dfac5d0..cbeab55f9b587a24ab1ca3049e48d626afc36b7d 100644
--- a/src/store/modules/feature.store.js
+++ b/src/store/modules/feature.store.js
@@ -423,24 +423,32 @@ const feature = {
           return false;
+    /**
+     * Initializes extra forms based on the current feature type and its custom fields.
+     * This function retrieves custom fields for the current feature type, assigns values to them based on the current feature's properties,
+     * and commits them to the store to be displayed in the form.
+     * 
+     * @param {Object} context - The Vuex action context, including state, rootGetters, and commit function.
+     */
     INIT_EXTRA_FORMS({ state, rootGetters, commit }) {
-      const feature = state.currentFeature;
-      const featureType = rootGetters['feature-type/feature_type'];
-      const customFields = featureType.customfield_set;
+      const feature = state.currentFeature; // Current feature being edited or viewed.
+      const featureType = rootGetters['feature-type/feature_type']; // Retrieves the feature type from root getters.
+      const customFields = featureType.customfield_set; // Custom fields defined for the feature type.
       if (customFields) {
-        //* retrieve 'name', 'options', 'position' from current feature_type data to display in the form
-          activateFieldsNforceValues(
+          activateFieldsNforceValues( // A hypothetical function to activate fields and enforce their values.
             customFields.map((field) => {
-              //* add value field to extra forms from feature_type and existing values if feature is defined
-              field.value = feature.properties ? feature.properties[field.name] : findXformValue(feature, field);
-              //* if a boolean has a null value, set it to false to allow comparison with false later on (for instance with forced value)
-              if (field.field_type === 'boolean' && field.value === null) field.value = false;
-              return field;
+              // Determines the initial value for the field
+              let value = feature.properties ? feature.properties[field.name] : findXformValue(feature, field);
+              // If the field is a boolean and the value is null, sets it to false
+              if (field.field_type === 'boolean' && value === null) {
+                value = false;
+              }
+              // Returns a new object with the updated value and the rest of the field's properties
+              return { ...field, value };
-          ).sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position) //* order according to user defined position
+          ).sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position) // Sorts fields by their user-defined position.
diff --git a/src/views/Feature/FeatureDetail.vue b/src/views/Feature/FeatureDetail.vue
index e026674d96e069f8287afa7a1fe9fbb9699c20c5..a26746e9a43f492076bac483bc1cbf1916fe8139 100644
--- a/src/views/Feature/FeatureDetail.vue
+++ b/src/views/Feature/FeatureDetail.vue
@@ -269,23 +269,36 @@ export default {
     ...mapState('map', [
+    /**
+     * Checks if there are any unsaved changes in the form compared to the current feature's properties.
+     * This function is useful for prompting the user before they navigate away from a page with unsaved changes.
+     * 
+     * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if there are unsaved changes; otherwise, returns false.
+     */
     hasUnsavedChange() {
-      if (this.project.fast_edition_mode && this.form && this.currentFeature && this.currentFeature.properties) {
+      // Ensure we are in edition mode and all required objects are present.
+      if (this.project && this.project.fast_edition_mode &&
+        this.form && this.currentFeature && this.currentFeature.properties) {
+        // Check for changes in title, description, and status.
         if (this.form.title !== this.currentFeature.properties.title) return true;
         if (this.form.description.value !== this.currentFeature.properties.description) return true;
         if (this.form.status.value !== this.currentFeature.properties.status) return true;
+        // Iterate over extra forms to check for any changes.
         for (const xForm of this.$store.state.feature.extra_forms) {
           const originalValue = this.currentFeature.properties[xForm.name];
+          // Check if the form value has changed, considering edge cases for undefined, null, or empty values.
           if (
-            !isEqual(xForm.value, originalValue) && // check if values changed
-            !(!xForm.value && !originalValue) // if the value is not defined, null, an empty string or a boolean with false, no need to warn the user before leaving page without saving (when a conditional field is unactivated or in case of boolean not set by user the value is null which is equivalent to false)
+            !isEqual(xForm.value, originalValue) && // Check if values have changed.
+            !(!xForm.value && !originalValue) // Ensure both aren't undefined/null/empty, treating null as equivalent to false for unactivated conditionals or unset booleans.
           ) {
-            console.log('In custom form [',xForm.name, '], the current form value [', xForm.value, '] differs from original value [', originalValue, ']');
+            // Log the difference for debugging purposes.
+            console.log(`In custom form [${xForm.name}], the current form value [${xForm.value}] differs from original value [${originalValue}]`);
             return true;
+      // If none of the above conditions are met, return false indicating no unsaved changes.
       return false;