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Timothee P authoredTimothee P authored 7.02 KiB
import axios from '@/axios-client.js';
import projectAPI from '@/services/project-api';
const initialFilters = {
moderation: null,
access_level: null,
user_access_level: null,
accessible: null
* Constructs the URL for the search request, appending search text and any active filters.
* @param {Object} rootState - The root state to access global configuration settings.
* @param {Object} filters - The current state of filters applied to the search.
* @param {String} text - The current search text.
* @returns {String} The fully constructed URL for the search request.
function constructSearchUrl({ baseUrl, filters, text, page }) {
let url = `${baseUrl}v2/projects/?`;
// Append page number if provided.
if (page) {
url += `page=${page}`;
// Append search text if provided.
if (text) {
url += `&search=${encodeURIComponent(text)}`;
// Append each active filter to the URL.
Object.entries(filters).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (value) {
url += `&${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
return url;
const projectsStore = {
namespaced: true,
state: {
count: 0,
currentPage: 1,
filters: { ...initialFilters },
isProjectsListSearched: null,
last_comments: [],
projects: [],
project: null,
searchProjectsFilter: null,
mutations: {
SET_CURRENT_PAGE (state, payload) {
state.currentPage = payload;
SET_PROJECTS(state, projects) {
if (projects.results) {
state.projects = projects.results;
state.count = projects.count;
} else {
state.projects = projects;
state.count = projects.length;
ADD_PROJECT(state, project) {
state.projects = [project, ...state.projects];
SET_PROJECT(state, project) {
state.project = project;
SET_PROJECTS_FILTER(state, payload) {
state.filters[payload.filter] = payload.value;
state.isProjectsListSearched = payload.isSearched;
state.searchProjectsFilter = payload.text;
SET_PROJECT_COMMENTS(state, last_comments) {
state.last_comments = last_comments;
actions: {
async GET_PROJECTS({ state, rootState, commit }, payload) {
let { page, myaccount, projectSlug } = payload || {};
if (!page) {
page = state.currentPage;
const baseUrl = rootState.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE;
const projects = await projectAPI.getProjects({
filters : state.filters,
console.trace('GET_PROJECTS', payload, state.filters.attributes, projects);
commit('SET_PROJECTS', projects);
// async FILTER_PROJECTS({ state, commit, dispatch }, { page, text }) {
// if (!page) {
// page = state.currentPage;
// }
// if (text === undefined) {
// // if text is undefined it means that user didn't specify the text, we can use the text stored previously
// text = state.searchProjectsFilter;
// // this allows to replace search by empty string when the user emptied the input field, then we can empty stored text
// } else if (text !== state.searchProjectsFilter) {
// commit('SET_PROJECTS_SEARCH_STATE', text);
// }
// await dispatch('HANDLE_PROJECTS_SEARCH_REQUEST', { page, text });
// },
async SEARCH_PROJECTS({ commit, dispatch }, text) {
if (text) {
await dispatch('HANDLE_PROJECTS_SEARCH_REQUEST', text);
} else {
isSearched: false,
text: null
await dispatch('GET_PROJECTS');
async GET_PROJECT({ rootState, commit }, slug) { // todo : use GET_PROJECTS instead, with slug
const baseUrl = rootState.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE;
const project = await projectAPI.getProject(baseUrl, slug);
commit('SET_PROJECT', project);
return project;
async GET_PROJECT_INFO({ dispatch }, slug) {
const promises = [
dispatch('GET_PROJECT_LAST_MESSAGES', slug).then(response => response),
dispatch('feature-type/GET_PROJECT_FEATURE_TYPES', slug, { root: true }).then(response => response),
dispatch('map/GET_BASEMAPS', slug, { root: true }).then(response => response)
const promiseResult = await Promise.all(promises);
return promiseResult;
GET_PROJECT_LAST_MESSAGES({ commit }, project_slug) {
return axios
.then((response) => {
if (response && response.status === 200) {
return response;
.catch((error) => {
throw error;
* Asynchronously handles the search request for projects, incorporating search text and applied filters.
* Cancels any ongoing search request to ensure that only the latest request is processed,
* which enhances the responsiveness of search functionality.
* @param {Object} context - Destructured to gain access to Vuex state, rootState, and commit function.
* @param {String} text - The search text used for filtering projects.
async HANDLE_PROJECTS_SEARCH_REQUEST({ state, rootState, commit, /* dispatch */ }, { page, text }) {
// Cancel any ongoing search request.
if (rootState.cancellableSearchRequest.length > 0) {
const currentRequestCancelToken =
rootState.cancellableSearchRequest[rootState.cancellableSearchRequest.length - 1];
//dispatch('CANCEL_CURRENT_SEARCH_REQUEST', null, { root: true });
// Prepare the cancel token for the new request and store it.
const cancelToken = axios.CancelToken.source();
commit('SET_CANCELLABLE_SEARCH_REQUEST', cancelToken, { root: true });
// Construct the search URL with any applied filters.
// TODO: Reduce code duplication by merging into GET_PROJECTS/projectAPI.getProjects
const searchUrl = constructSearchUrl({
baseUrl: rootState.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE,
filters: state.filters,
//console.log('HANDLE_PROJECTS_SEARCH_REQUEST', searchUrl);
try {
// Perform the search request.
const response = await axios.get(searchUrl, { cancelToken: cancelToken.token });
// Process successful response.
if (response.status === 200 && {
isSearched: true,
text: text
} catch (error) {
// Handle potential errors, such as request cancellation.
console.error('Search request canceled or failed', error);
export default projectsStore;