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import TileWMS from 'ol/source/TileWMS';
import { View, Map } from 'ol';
import { ScaleLine, Zoom, Attribution, FullScreen } from 'ol/control';
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import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import { transform, transformExtent } from 'ol/proj.js';
import { defaults } from 'ol/interaction';
import XYZ from 'ol/source/XYZ';
import VectorTileLayer from 'ol/layer/VectorTile';
import VectorTileSource from 'ol/source/VectorTile';
import { MVT, GeoJSON } from 'ol/format';
import { boundingExtent } from 'ol/extent';
import Overlay from 'ol/Overlay';
import {
  Fill, Stroke, Style, Circle //RegularShape, Circle as CircleStyle, Text,Icon
} from 'ol/style';
import { asArray } from 'ol/color';
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector';
import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
import { fromLonLat } from 'ol/proj.js';
import OverlayPositioning from 'ol/OverlayPositioning';
import axios from '@/axios-client.js';
import router from '@/router';
import { statusChoices } from '@/utils';
let dictLayersToMap = {};
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const mapService = {
  layers: [],

  mvtLayer: undefined,

  content: {},

  overlay: {},

  map: undefined,

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  getMap() {
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  destroyMap() { = undefined;
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DESPRES Damien's avatar
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  createMap(el, options) {
    const {
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      zoomControl = true,
      fullScreenControl = false,
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      interactions = { doubleClickZoom: false, mouseWheelZoom: false, dragPan: true },
      controls = [
        new Attribution({ collapsible: false }),
        new ScaleLine({
          units: 'metric',
DESPRES Damien's avatar
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    } = options;
    if (fullScreenControl) {
      controls.push(new FullScreen());
    const mapOptions = {
DESPRES Damien's avatar
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      layers: [],
      target: el,
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      interactions: defaults(interactions),
      view: new View({
        center: transform([ //* since 0 is considered false, check for number instead of just defined (though boolean will pass through)
          Number(lng) ? lng : mapDefaultViewCenter[1],
          Number(lat) ? lat : mapDefaultViewCenter[0],
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        ], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
        zoom: Number(mapDefaultViewZoom) ? mapDefaultViewZoom : zoom,
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    }; = new Map(mapOptions);
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DESPRES Damien's avatar
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    if (zoomControl) {
DESPRES Damien's avatar
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DESPRES Damien's avatar
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DESPRES Damien's avatar
DESPRES Damien committed'rendercomplete', () => {;
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    const container = document.getElementById('popup');
    this.content = document.getElementById('popup-content');
    const closer = document.getElementById('popup-closer');

    this.overlay = new Overlay({
      element: container,
      autoPan: true,
      autoPanAnimation: {
        duration: 500,
    let overlay = this.overlay;
    if (closer) {
      closer.onclick = function () {
        return false;
DESPRES Damien's avatar
DESPRES Damien committed;
DESPRES Damien's avatar
DESPRES Damien committed'click', this.onMapClick.bind(this));
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  addRouterToPopup({ featureId, featureTypeSlug, index }) {
    const getFeaturePosition = async (searchParams) => {
      const response = await axios.get(`${store.state.configuration.VUE_APP_DJANGO_API_BASE}projects/${router.history.current.params.slug}/feature/${featureId}/position-in-list/?${searchParams.toString()}`);
    const goToBrowseFeatureDetail = async () => {
      const currentQuery = { ...this.queryParams };
      if (this.queryParams && this.queryParams.filter === 'feature_type_slug') { // when feature_type is the default filter of the project, 
        currentQuery['feature_type_slug'] = featureTypeSlug; // get its slug for the current feature
      const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(currentQuery); // urlSearchParams allow to get rid of undefined values
      if (!index >= 0) { // with mvt feature, there can't be an index
        index = await getFeaturePosition(searchParams);
        name: 'details-signalement-filtre',
          ...Object.fromEntries(searchParams.entries()), // transform search params into object and spread it into query

    function goToFeatureDetail() {
        name: 'details-signalement',
        params: {
          slug_type_signal: featureTypeSlug,
          slug_signal: featureId,
        name: 'details-type-signalement',
        params: {
          feature_type_slug: featureTypeSlug,
    const isFeatureBrowsing = ( === 'project_detail' || === 'liste-signalements');
    document.getElementById('goToFeatureDetail').onclick = isFeatureBrowsing ? goToBrowseFeatureDetail : goToFeatureDetail;
    document.getElementById('goToFeatureTypeDetail').onclick = goToFeatureTypeDetail;

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  onMapClick(event) {
    //* retrieve features under pointer
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    const features =, {
      layerFilter: (l) => l === this.mvtLayer || this.olLayer
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    //* prepare popup content
    if (features && features.length > 0 && this.content) {
      const featureId = features[0].properties_ ? features[0].properties_.feature_id : features[0].id_;
      const isEdited = === 'editer-signalement' &&
        router.history.current.params.slug_signal === featureId; //* avoid opening popup on feature currently edited
      if (featureId && !isEdited) {
        const popupContent = this._createContentPopup(features[0]);
        this.content.innerHTML = popupContent.html;
          featureTypeSlug: popupContent.featureType ? popupContent.featureType.slug : '',
          index: popupContent.index,
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    //const queryableLayerSelected = document.getElementById(`queryable-layers-selector-${this.wmsParams.basemapId}`).getElementsByClassName('selected')[0].textContent;
    if (this.layers) {
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Florent Lavelle committed
      const queryLayer = this.layers.find(x => x.query);
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      // pour compatibilité avec le proxy django
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      const proxyparams = [
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        'info_format', 'x', 'y', 'i', 'j',
      if (queryLayer) {
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Florent Lavelle committed
        const url = this.getFeatureInfoUrl(event, queryLayer);
        const urlInfos = url.split('?');
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        const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(urlInfos[1]);
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        const params = {};
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        Array.from(urlParams.keys()).forEach(param => {
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          if (proxyparams.indexOf(param.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
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            params[param.toLowerCase()] = urlParams.get(param);
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        params.url = urlInfos[0];
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        ).then(response => {
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          const data =;
          const err = typeof data === 'object' ? null : data;
          if (data.features || err) this.showGetFeatureInfo(err, event, data, queryLayer);
        }).catch(error => {
          throw error;
  showGetFeatureInfo: function (err, event, data, layer) {
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    let content;
    if (err) {
      content = `
          <p>Données de la couche inaccessibles</p>
      this.content.innerHTML = content;
    } else { // Otherwise show the content in a popup
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Florent Lavelle committed
      const contentLines = [];
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      let contentTitle;
      if (data.features.length > 0) {
        Object.entries(data.features[0].properties).forEach(entry => {
          const [key, value] = entry;
          if (key !== 'bbox') {
            contentLines.push(`<div>${key}: ${value}</div>`);
        contentTitle = `<h4>${layer.options.title}</h4>`;
        content = contentTitle.concat(contentLines.join(''));

        this.content.innerHTML = content;
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  getFeatureInfoUrl(event, layer) {
    const olLayer = dictLayersToMap[];
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    const source = olLayer.getSource();
    const viewResolution =;
    let url;
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    const wmsOptions = { info_format: 'application/json', query_layers: layer.options.layers };
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    if (source && source.getFeatureInfoUrl) {
      url = source.getFeatureInfoUrl(event.coordinate, viewResolution, 'EPSG:3857', wmsOptions);
    return url;
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  fitBounds(bounds) {
    let ext = boundingExtent([[bounds[0][1], bounds[0][0]], [bounds[1][1], bounds[1][0]]]);
    ext = transformExtent(ext, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');, { padding: [25, 25, 25, 25] });

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DESPRES Damien committed
  fitExtent(ext) {
    //ext = transformExtent(ext, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');, { padding: [25, 25, 25, 25] });


  addLayers: function (layers, serviceMap, optionsMap, schemaType) {
    this.layers = layers;
    if (layers) { //* if admin has defined basemaps for this project
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      let count = 0;
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      layers.forEach((layer) => {
        if (layer) {
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          const options = layer.options;
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          if (options) {
            options.noWrap = true;
            options['opacity'] = layer.opacity;
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DESPRES Damien committed
            if (layer.schema_type === 'wms') {
              if (layer.queryable) options['title'] = layer.title; // wasn't effective before, is it still necessary now that title will be added ?
              dictLayersToMap[] = this.addWMSLayer(layer.service, options);
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DESPRES Damien committed
            } else if (layer.schema_type === 'tms') {
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              const layerTms = new TileLayer({
DESPRES Damien's avatar
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                source: new XYZ({
                  attributions: options.attribution,
                  url: layer.service.replace('{s}', '{a-c}')
DESPRES Damien's avatar
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              dictLayersToMap[] = layerTms;
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    } else { //* else when no basemaps defined
      optionsMap.noWrap = true;
      if (schemaType === 'wms') {
        this.addWMSLayer(serviceMap, optionsMap);
      } else {
        const layer = new TileLayer({
          source: new XYZ({
            attributions: optionsMap.attribution,
            url: serviceMap.replace('{s}', '{a-c}')

  addWMSLayer: function (url, options) {
    options.VERSION = '1.1.1'; // pour compatibilité avec le proxy django
    const source = new TileWMS({
      attributions: options.attribution,
      url: url,
      crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
      params: options

    const layer = new TileLayer({
      source: source,
      opacity: parseFloat(options.opacity),
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DESPRES Damien committed
    return layer;

  // Remove the base layers (not the features)
  removeLayers: function () {
    Object.values(dictLayersToMap).forEach(element => {
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DESPRES Damien committed;
    dictLayersToMap = {};
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  updateOpacity(layerId, opacity) {
    const layer = dictLayersToMap[layerId];
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DESPRES Damien committed

  updateOrder(layers) {
    // First remove existing layers undefined
    layers = layers.filter(function (x) {
      return x !== undefined;
    // Redraw the layers

  retrieveFeatureStyle: function (featureType, properties) {
    const { colors_style, customfield_set } = featureType;
    let { color, opacity } = featureType;

    if (colors_style && colors_style.custom_field_name && customfield_set) {
      const fieldType = customfield_set.find((el) => === colors_style.custom_field_name).field_type;
      let currentValue = properties[colors_style.custom_field_name];
      if(currentValue & typeof currentValue === 'string') currentValue = currentValue.trim(); // remove leading and trailing whitespaces
          color = colors_style.colors && colors_style.colors[currentValue];
          opacity = colors_style.opacities && colors_style.opacities[currentValue];
      case 'char': //* if the custom field is supposed to be a string
        //* check if its current value is empty or not, to select a color |
        color = colors_style.value.colors && colors_style.value.colors[currentValue ? 'Non vide' : 'Vide'];
        opacity = colors_style.value.opacities && colors_style.value.opacities[currentValue ? 'Non vide' : 'Vide'];
        color = colors_style.value.colors && colors_style.value.colors[currentValue ? 'Coché' : 'Décoché'];
        opacity = colors_style.value.opacities && colors_style.value.opacities[currentValue ? 'Coché' : 'Décoché'];
    return { color, opacity };
  addVectorTileLayer: function ({ url, projectId, featureTypes, formFilters = {}, queryParams = {} }) {
    const format_cfg = {/*featureClass: Feature*/ };
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    const mvt = new MVT(format_cfg);
    const options = {
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      urls: [],
      matrixSet: 'EPSG:3857'
    options.format = mvt;
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Florent Lavelle committed
    const layerSource = new VectorTileSource(options);
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    layerSource.setTileUrlFunction((p0) => {
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      return `${url}/?tile=${p0[0]}/${p0[1]}/${p0[2]}&project_id=${projectId}`;
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    const styleFunction = (feature) => this.getStyle(feature, featureTypes, formFilters);
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    this.mvtLayer = new VectorTileLayer({
      style: styleFunction,
      source: layerSource
    this.featureTypes = featureTypes; // store featureTypes for popups
    this.queryParams = queryParams; // store queryParams for popups

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DESPRES Damien's avatar
DESPRES Damien committed;
    window.layerMVT = this.mvtLayer;

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  getStyle: function (feature, featureTypes, formFilters) {
    const properties = feature.getProperties();
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    let featureType;
    // GeoJSON
    if (properties && properties.feature_type) {
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      featureType = featureTypes
        .find((ft) => ft.slug === (properties.feature_type.slug || properties.feature_type));
    } else { //MVT
      featureType = featureTypes.find((x) => x.slug.split('-')[0] === '' + properties.feature_type_id);

    if (featureType) {
      const { color, opacity } = this.retrieveFeatureStyle(featureType, properties);
      //console.log(color, opacity, featureType, properties);
      const colorValue =
        color && color.value && color.value.length ?
          color.value : typeof color === 'string' && color.length ?
            color : '#000000';
      const rgbaColor = asArray(colorValue);
      rgbaColor[3] = opacity || 0.5;//opacity

      const defaultStyle = new Style(
          image: new Circle({
            fill: new Fill(
                color: rgbaColor,
            stroke: new Stroke(
                color: colorValue,
                width: 2,
            radius: 5,
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          stroke: new Stroke(
              color: colorValue,
              width: 2,
          fill: new Fill(
              color: rgbaColor,
      const hiddenStyle = new Style(); // hide the feature to apply filters
      // Filtre sur le feature type
        if (formFilters.type && formFilters.type.selected) {
          if (featureType.title !== formFilters.type.selected) {
            return hiddenStyle;
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        // Filtre sur le statut
        if (formFilters.status && formFilters.status.selected.value) {
          if (properties.status !== formFilters.status.selected.value) {
            return hiddenStyle;
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        // Filtre sur le titre
        if (formFilters.title) {
          if (!properties.title.toLowerCase().includes(formFilters.title.toLowerCase())) {
            return hiddenStyle;
      return defaultStyle;
    } else {
      console.error('No corresponding featureType found.');
  addFeatures: function ({ features, filter = {}, featureTypes, addToMap = true, queryParams = {} }) {
    console.log('addToMap', addToMap);
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    const drawSource = new VectorSource();
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    let retour;
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    features.forEach((feature) => {
        if ( {
['index'] = index;
          index += 1;
        retour = new GeoJSON().readFeature(feature, { dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326', featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857' }, featureTypes);
      } catch (err) {
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    const styleFunction = (feature) => this.getStyle(feature, featureTypes, filter);
    const olLayer = new VectorLayer({
      source: drawSource,
      style: styleFunction,
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DESPRES Damien committed
DESPRES Damien's avatar
DESPRES Damien committed;
    this.olLayer = olLayer;
    this.featureTypes = featureTypes; // store featureTypes for popups
    this.queryParams = queryParams; // store queryParams for popup routes
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DESPRES Damien committed
    return drawSource;

  removeFeatures: function () {

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  addMapEventListener: function (eventName, callback) {, callback);

  _createContentPopup: function (feature) {
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    const formatDate = (current_datetime) => {
      let formatted_date = current_datetime.getFullYear() + '-' + ('0' + (current_datetime.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + current_datetime.getDate()).slice(-2) + '&nbsp;' +
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        ('0' + current_datetime.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + current_datetime.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
      return formatted_date;
    let featureType, status, updated_on, creator, index; // index is used to retrieve feature by query when browsing features
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    if (feature.getProperties) {
      const properties = feature.getProperties();
      ({ status, updated_on, creator, index } = properties); // using parenthesis to allow destructuring object without declaration
      if (this.featureTypes) {
        featureType = feature.getProperties().feature_type ||
          this.featureTypes.find((x) => x.slug.split('-')[0] === '' + feature.getProperties().feature_type_id);
    } else { //? TPD: I couldn't find when this code is used, is this still in use ?
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      status = feature.status;
      if (status) status =;
      updated_on = feature.updated_on;
      if (this.featureTypes) {
        featureType = this.featureTypes.find((x) => x.slug === feature.feature_type.slug);
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    if (updated_on && !isNaN(new Date(updated_on))) { //* check if it is already formatted
      updated_on = formatDate(new Date(updated_on));
    if (status) {
      if (status.label) { //* when the label is already in the feature
        status = status.label;
      } else if (this.featureTypes) { //* if not, retrieve the name/label from the list
        status = statusChoices.find((x) => x.value === status).name;
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    let author = '';
    if (creator) {
      author = creator.full_name
        ? `<div>
              Auteur : ${creator.first_name} ${creator.last_name}
        : creator.username ? `<div>Auteur: ${creator.username}</div>` : '';

    const title = feature.getProperties ? feature.getProperties().title : feature.title;
    const html = `
                    <a id="goToFeatureDetail" class="pointer">${title}</a>
                    Statut : ${status}
                    Type : ${featureType ? '<a id="goToFeatureTypeDetail" class="pointer">' + featureType.title + '</a>' : 'Type de signalement inconnu'}
    return { html, featureType, index };
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  zoom(zoomlevel) {;

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  zoomTo(location, zoomlevel, lon, lat) {
    if (lon && lat) {
      location = [+lon, +lat];
    }, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'));
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  addOverlay(loc) {
    const pos = fromLonLat(loc);
    const marker = new Overlay({
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      positioning: OverlayPositioning.CENTER_CENTER,
      element: document.getElementById('marker'),
      stopEvent: false

export default mapService;